Monday, March 14, 2011




Wave energy is produced when electricity generators are placed on the surface of the ocean. The energy provided is most often used in desalination plants, power plants and water pumps. Energy output is determined by wave height, wave speed, wavelength, and water density. To date there are only a handful of experimental wave generator plants in operation around the world. The articles on this page explore the world of wave energy and its possible applications.

Wave energy is among the impressive list of renewable energy resources that is being developed in the United States. New Jersey-based developer, Ocean Power Technologies has launched a project that features the nation’s first commercial wave power farm off the coast of Reedsport, Oregon. Once the project is completed, wave energy will generate power for several hundred homes in Oregon. The wave power farm operates on the wave energy that is created when a float on a buoy flows with the natural up and down movement of the waves.

This action subsequently causes an attached plunger to follow the same kind of ebb and flow movement. The plunger is attached to a hydraulic pump that changes the vertical movement to a circular motion, which drives an electric generator to produce electricity that is sent to shore through submerged cables.

When the initial project is finished, the first $4 million dollar buoy will measure 150 feet tall by 40 feet wide, weighing 200 tons. Nine more of these crafts will be set in motion by the year 2012 for a total cost of $60 million dollars. About four hundred homes will receive electricity from Oregon’s wave power farm by the completion of the project.

The wave energy project has promising potential, but has encountered some degree of skepticism and is faced with several areas of concern. One factor is that wave power is still in the early stages of development and is rather costly, running about five or six times more than wind power. Secondly, many people question how the buoys can be stabilized in the water to gather the energy from wave power. Another concerning factor is that waves are so unpredictable, and the size of the waves could result in either equipment damage of lack of cost effectiveness.

The wave power farm is a developing renewable energy source that could potentially compete with wind and solar energy, although it has had a bit of a shaky start. The first commercial wave power farm was developed in Portugal in 2008, but the project was suspended indefinitely last year for financial reasons. In addition, a wave-powered technology that was developed by a Canadian company sank off the Oregon coast two years ago.

The Oregon wave power farm is being funded by several sources, including Oregon tax credits, Pacific Northwest Generating Cooperative and the U.S. Department of Energy.

The wave power farm concept has a great deal of promise and there are other projects around the world that are being developed in Spain, Scotland, Western Australia and off the coast of Cornwall, England. In the United States, Oregon Power Technologies is developing a wave power technology program in Hawaii in conjunction with the U.S. Navy.



  1. *Hrvatski centar obnovljivih izvora energije potiče korištenje alternativnih sustava za opskrbu energijom u zgradarstvu, te gradnji obiteljskih kuća, razvija tržište novih niskoenergetskih objekata i modernizira sektor već postojećih zgrada , te doprinosi ukupnom smanjenju potrošne energije i zaštiti okoliša

    *Cilj udruženja je osim imformiranja javnosti i obrazovanja stručnjaka, potaknuti sve sudionike u gradnji na međusobnu suradnju kako bi se povečao broj objekata koji ostvaruju prednosti energetski učinkovite gradnje i povečavanje broja investicija u obnovljive izvore energije

    *Zbog rasta cijena energije i energenata potrebno je poznavati svoje energetske mogučnosti korištenja energije, troškova iste , te biti u stanju njome upravljati

    *Stvorena je infrastruktura za realizaciju projekata korištenjem obnovljivih izvora energije u zgradama i privatnim objektima , kako u novogradnji ,tako i u rekonstrukciji postoječih

    *Korištenjem obnovljivih izvora energije utječe se na smanjenje potrošnje svih oblika energije, ugodniji i kvalitetniji boravak u objektima za život i poslovanje, te doprinosi zaštiti okoliša i smanjenju emisije štetnih plinova, dugoročno je isplativo ulaganje za dobrobit svih nas

    *U sklopu projekta Hrvatskog centra obnovljivih izvora energije, koji ima i službenu podršku U.S. GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL-a, EE COALITION-a, GREEN EUROPEAN FOUNDATION-a, ANNA LINDH FOUNDATION-a, NACIONALNE ZAKLADE ZA RAZVOJ CIVILNOG DRUŠTVA , organizirati će se seminari i radionice koji će sudionicima ponuditi proširenje stečenog znanja iz područja zelene gradnje i implementiranje proizvoda koji smanjuju energetsku ovisnost o skupim energentimai njihovim velikim sustavima

    *Tijekom seminara biti će organizirana predavanja koja će izlagati vodeća imena iz industrije obnovljivih izvora energije, brojni znanstvenici i vodeći ljudi institucija iz Hrvatske i inozemstva kojima je svima "ZELENA ENERGIJA" zajednički predznak

    *Implementacija novih informacija biti će prikazana u praksi ,koja će se realizirati kroz praktične instrukcije, te E-LEARNING module, za što postoji veliki interes kod građevinskih tvrtki kao i kod krajnjih potrošača/korisnika

    *U konačnici, osim znanstveno- tehničkih prednosi , udruženje pridonosi značajnom napretku u primjeni obnovnjivih izvora energije , promjeni uvriježenog načina razmišljanja koje koči širu primjenu alternativnih izvora energije pri izgradnji i rekonstrukciji objekata


    Željko Serdar
    Voditelj udruženja
    Centrala: Tehnička služba:
    Tel./Fax. +385 1 387 39 79 Mob. +385 91 511 47 42
    Mob. +385 91 547 50 49


  2. MAIN GOALS FOR 2011

    Much like in the previous years, in 2010 we continued to work on the strengthening of our image and visibility and to cooperate with both individuals and organizations from all tree sectors - civil, business and public.

    The project which undoubtedly marked our last years activity was CCRES - CROATIAN CENTER of RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES.A long-term goal of the CCRES project was to achieve sustainable development and environmental protection by increasing the use of RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES.

    As part of their contribution to the realization of that goal , the CRECSS partners provided financial support ,whit their help we manage to organize forums and training for interested renewable energy community.

    In addition to that , we organized public presentations and performances at various fairs which were aimed at raising the citizens level of awareness and interest for this field, and we also organized other activities related to the education and the raising of awareness concerning renewable energy sources.

    One of CRECSS main goals is to create a network and entice cooperation between all parties interested in issues concerning sustainable development, especially in the field of energetics.Therefore, CCRES is always ready to cooperate with all similar and complementary organizations.

    We continued our years-long work on blogs and many portals about Renewable Energy.In accordance with the new trends on the internet and with the fast development of social networks, a CCRES fan page was created on Facebook and the number of its fans keeps increasing.

    In 2011 we will continue to work on education and raising of awareness concerning Renewable Energy Sources.All materials are permanently available online, on

    For additional information, you can check out CCRES web page ,

    blogs, Facebook fan page,or contact us via e-mail:

    phone or in person.


    Željko Serdar
    Head of business association
