Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Wise Power Systems by CCRES



Wise Power Systems


Wise Power Systems, Inc is a full service supplier of consumer and commercial sized wind, solar, micro hydro power installations, and solar hot water. We are located in Wilmington, Delaware, Alexandria Virginia, and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and serve Residential customers in the Mid-Atlantic and Commercial customers through out the USA and overseas. The systems that we have installed have been in the USA and Africa.

Contact us for details about wholesale system packages. We are currently looking for Dealers in the USA and overseas.
Our Mission
Our objective is to promote the economic and environmental benefits of wind and solar power, while encouraging home and business owners to invest in their own renewable energy systems. We are committed to providing our clients with quality systems customized to meet their energy needs and fit their budgets.
We use only the highest quality, industry leading products. Our systems are designed for you by knowledgeable consultants who will listen to your input, and they are installed by reputable, certified technicians. We have financing options available for both residential and commercial clients who qualify.

More Information
For more information please call us at 877.280.9473

Solar Systems

Wind Systems

Solar Hot Water Systems

Micro Hydro Systems

Of all the small renewable energy systems around, a small hydro system – where it’s feasible – may be the most cost-effective and reliable. If you have running water on or near your property, you may want to consider investing in a micro-energy system.
A micro-hydro system can mean energy around the clock and year-round, if you have a steady stream of water. All that is required is a fall of several feet high, and a micro-hydro system, consisting of:
a turbine generator system
integration with regular power systems (where possible)
As with other renewable energy systems, micro-hydro systems can be free-standing, hybrid or grid-integrated.
A micro-hydro system very simply takes the energy available from a falling stream of water and converts it into usable electricity.

Off Grid Systems

Wise Power Systems designs and install off grid systems in the USA and overseas. We have Logistical people on staff to handle the shipping and install off grid systems all over the world. As you can see from the video we design a whole system from the lighting, refrigeration, TV, DC AC and Heating, lantern charging stations, and water purifcation and well pumps. We use only high quality products to last years and will not use products that are not designed to last a few years. We are would rather over design the off grid system then under design it because of the problems that it can cause. We also design and install what we call the village concept were we connect houses and community center together with wind, solar and micro hydro that your off grid system can be a whole village.


Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.
Wise Power Systems, Inc.
500 Philadelphia Pike
Wilmington DE 19809
1-877-280-WISE (9473)
Wise Power System Locations
Wilmington, DE
Alexandria, VA
Oklahoma City, OK
Boca Raton, FL
Cedar City, UT
Des Moines, IA
Will travel anywhere in the world & have gone as far as West Africa!
More info at http://solarserdar.blogspot.com


Strategija energetskog razvoja HCOIE


prenosi Vam

Strategiju energetskog razvoja

Polovicom 2007. godine doneseni su podzakonski propisi kojima je definirano poticanje proizvodnje električne
energije iz obnovljivih izvora i na temelju njih je uspostavljen Registar projekata i postrojenja za korištenje
obnovljivih izvora energije i kogeneracije te povlaštenih proizvođača. U njega je do danas upisano 87 projekata
sunčanih elektrana ukupne snage 49,3 MW. No, od tog je broja do sredine siječnja 2011. godine svega 17
projekata ukupne snage 797,94 kW uspješno privelo kraju postupak za stjecanje statusa povlaštenog proizvođača
i sklapanje ugovora o otkupu električne energije, a samo su četiri projekta ukupne snage 52,86 kW izgrađena i
ušla u sustav poticaja. Glavni razlozi za otežani razvoj projekata i ‘loš glas’ na koji je došla procedura stjecanja
statusa povlaštenog proizvođača su i barijere iz područja graditeljstva i priključivanja na mrežu. Također su pri
složenoj proceduri za razvoj projekta potrebna značajna sredstva koje su ‘manji’ nositelji projekta neskloni uložiti.
Trenutačno je Ministarstvo gospodarstva, rada i poduzetništva usredotočeno na reviziju akata i procedura, što
uključuje i donošenje posebnog Zakona o obnovljivim izvorima energije. Prvenstveno se radi na razdvajanju
procedura za obnovljive izvore malih i većih snaga te značajnom pojednostavljenju procedure za manje projekte,
a izmjenama Tarifnog sustava uvest će se razlika sustava integriranih u građevine i onih na zemlji.

Pretpristupnim pregovorima s Europskom
unijom Hrvatska preuzima europsku pravnu
stečevinu. Time je preuzeta i obveza ostvarivanja
određenog udjela obnovljivih izvora u bruto
neposrednoj potrošnji energije koji, prema
novoj Direktivi 2009/28/EU o promicanju pri­
mjene iz obnovljivih izvora, iznosi 20,01% do
2020. godine. Treba istaknuti da je nedavno
na internetskim stranicama Glavne uprave za
energetiku Europske komisije objavljeno iscrpno
izvješće o provođenju stare Direktive 100/77/EZ

o promicanju električne energije iz obnovljivih
izvora energije na unutarnjem tržištu električne
energije od 2001. godine do danas. Pri tome se
može primijetiti da većina zemalja (tj. 14 od 27
članice EU­a) nije zadovoljila ciljeve koji su pos­
tavljeni tom Direktivom, a imale su mnogo više
vremena od Hrvatske (tablica 1).
Strategija energetskog razvoja
Strategija energetskog razvoja Republike
Hrvatske (NN 130/2009) usvojena je u listopadu
2009. godine i određuje konkretne ciljeve za
obnovljive izvore koji su široj javnosti poznati (il.
1). To su ostvarivanje ukupne snage postrojenja
na obnovljive izvore od 1545 MW, od čega:
• 1200 MW u vjetroelektranama (2000 MW do
• 140 MW u termoelektranama na biomasu (420
MW do 2030)
• 40 MW u termoelektranama na komunalni ot­
pad (60 MW do 2030)
• 20 MW u geotermalnim elektranama (30 MW
do 2030

• 45 MW u sunčanim elektranama (250 MW do
• 100 MW u malim hidroelektranama (140 MW do
2030. godine), čemu treba dodati revitalizaciju
postojećih hidroelektrana ukupne snage 300
Strategijom su za Sunčevu energiju do 2020.
godine postavljeni sljedeći ciljevi:
• za solarne toplinske sustave: stanje mora biti
izjednačeno stanju između Njemačke i Grčke,
gledajući po glavi stanovnika danas (cilj: 0,225
površine solarnog kolektora po stanovniku)
• za fotonaponske sustave: stanje mora biti izje­
dnačeno stanju u Španjolskoj, gledajući po glavi
stanovnika danas (11,71 W po stanovniku) i Nje­
mačkoj do 2030. (više od 45 W po stanovniku).
Pri tome bi se prednost trebala dati solarnim
toplinskim sustavima zbog zrelosti tehnologije,
niskih ulaznih troškova i razmjerno kratkog vre­
mena povrata uloženih sredstava.
Sunčane elektrane u Hrvatskoj
U Registar projekata i postrojenja za korištenje
obnovljivih izvora energije i kogeneracije te
povlaštenih proizvođača Ministarstva gospo­
darstva, rada i poduzetništva do sada je prija­
vljeno oko 220 projekata sunčanih elektrana, a
odobren je 91 projekt ukupne snage 52,3108 MW
(tablica 2). Pri tome treba reći da su podneseni i
zahtjevi za izdavanjem prethodnog energetsk­
og odobrenja za četiri solarne termoelektrane
ukupne snage 170 MW. Ipak, razmjerno je malo
projekata do sada steklo status povlaštenog
proizvođača električne energije od Hrvatske en­
ergetske regulatorne agencije i potpisalo ugovor
o otkupu električne energije s Hrvatskim opera­
torom tržišta energije (tablica 3). Kao glavni ra­
zlozi velikog nerazmjera prijavljenih i ostvarenih
projekata ističu se:
• isti tretman tzv. velikih i malih izvora
• neusklađenost propisa iz različitih područja (npr.
iz područja energetike, odnosno obnovljivih
izvora i iz područja zaštite okoliša, prostornog
uređenja i graditeljstva), što se posebice odnosi
na FN sustave i bioplinska postrojenja
• nema poticanja energije potrošene na mjestu
• sporost i neujednačenost lokalnih operatora
distribucijskih sustava kod priključivanja (npr.
zbog obveze javne nabave)
• neozbiljnost pojedinih nositelja projekta i poja­
va ‘trgovanja projektima’ (čime se blokiraju po­
jedine lokacije za vjetroelektrane i hidroelektra­
ne za druge investitore

• dugotrajno rješavanje imovinsko­pravnih od­
• nemogućnost otkupa energije za vrijeme pro­
bnog pogona
• nedorečenost propisa za slučaj fazne gradnje,
proširenja, rekonstrukcije i sl

• nejasna otkupna cijena nakon 12. godine
• potreba prilaganja istog dokumenta u više na­
vrata (npr. osobito za izvadak iz katastarskog
Revizijom propisa do poboljšanja stanja
Zbog svega toga je neophodna re­
vizija upravnih postupaka za postrojenja za
iskorištavanje obnovljivih izvora. Pri tome su
postavljeni sljedeći ciljevi:

• usklađivanje s direktivama 2009/28/EZ i
2009/72/EZ (3. energetski paket)
• povećanje mogućnosti za izgradnju i korištenje
postrojenja na obnovljive izvore i kogeneracij­
skih postrojenja
• osiguravanje transparentnosti, objektivnosti i
nepristranosti u postupcima ishođenja dozvola
i odobrenja za projekte radi zaštite javnog i pri­
vatnog interesa
• usklađivanje zahtjeva u sustavu izdavanja do­
zvola i odobrenja s karakteristikama pojedinih
tehnologija za iskorištavanje obnovljivih izvora
i kogeneracije, uvažavajući podjelu na jedno­
stavna i složena postrojenja, odnosno na tzv.
male i velike projekte
• uvođenje samo registracije bez autorizacije za
jednostavna postrojenja
• usklađivanje pravila upravnih postupaka za
odobravanje projekata za iskorištavanje obno­
vljivih izvora i kogeneracije u području energet­
skog zakonodavstva s drugim područjima
• skraćivanje vremena za izdavanje dozvola i odo­
brenje projekata za iskorištavanje obnovljivih
izvora i kogeneracije, uz poboljšanje koordina­
cije tijela koja sudjeluju u postupcima
• osiguravanje veće podrške investitorima u pro­
jekte za iskorištavanje obnovljivih izvora i koge­
neracije od tijela koja sudjeluju u postupcima
• osiguravanje sudjelovanja u postupku odlučiva­
nja osobama koje imaju pravni interes ili zainte­
resiranoj javnosti te povećanje stupnja pravne
Ono što je bitno za FN sustave ostvarit će se
novim Zakonom o obnovljivim izvorima ene­
rgije te Izmjenama i dopunama Tarifnog sustava
za proizvodnju električne energije iz obnovljivih
izvora energije i kogeneracije (NN 33/2007).
Za sunčane elektrane je bitno da će se u
predviđenom Zakonu o obnovljivim izvorima
energije uvesti podjela na ‘mala’ (npr. mikroele­
ktrane, mikrokogeneracije) i ‘velika’ postrojenja, a
i kategorija ‘postrojenja integriranih u građevine’.
U takvim će se slučajevima neki koraci do
ishođenja statusa povlaštenog proizvođača u
potpunosti ukinuti (il. 2 i 3). Očekuje se da će se
time značajno skratiti rok do dobivanja dozvola.
Uz to, Izmjenama i dopunama Tarifnog su­
stava predviđa se uvođenje razlika u poticajima
za sustave integrirane u građevine (BIPV) i ne­
integrirane sustave (eng. ground­mounted). Pri
tome bi oni integirani u građevine bili podijeljeni

u četiri skupine, ovisno o snazi: do 15 kW, 15 ­ 50
kW, 50 ­ 200 kW i više od 200 kW (uz uvjet mjera
energetske učinkovitosti), dok će se neintegri­
rani ubrajati samo u jednu skupinu, sa snagom
200 kW ­ 5 MW. Uz to, predviđeno je i povećanje
ograničenja poticanja (tzv. CAP­kvota) i to 2/3
za integrirane i 1/3 za neintegrirane FN sustave.
Konačno, predviđene su i posebne tarife za so­
larne termoelektrane s koncentrirajućim zrcalima
(CSP), uz posebna ograničenja ukupne snage za
poticaje i davanje prednosti takvim postrojen­
jima s mogućnošću skladištenja energije.
Pojednostavljenja bi se trebala ostvariti i iz­
mjenama zakona i propisa iz područja prostor­
nog uređenja i graditeljstva. Tako je Izmjenama
i dopunama Pravilnika o jednostavnim
građevinama i radovima (NN 21/2009, 57/2010
i 126/2010) omogućeno postavljanje ‘solarnih
kolektora’ (izraz koji u tom propisu podrazumije­
va i solarne toplinske kolektore i FN module) bez
akta kojim se odobrava građenje i lokacijske doz­
vole, ali kao pomoćne građevina na građevnoj
čestici zgrade za potrebe te zgrade (tumačenje
Ministarstva zaštite okoliša, prostornog uređenja
i graditeljstva). No, bit će potrebno jasno
određenje u pogledu sunčanih elektrana. Uz to,
u pripadajućim tehničkim propisima promiče se
primjena sunčanih elektrana zajedno s drugim
postrojenjima za iskorištavanje obnovljivih iz­
vora. Isto tako, uvest će se obveza izrade studije
primjene alternativnih energetskih sustava, ela­
borata o primjenjivosti i ekonomskoj isplativosti,
no ne i nužna primjena tih sustava. Bitno je da
će ipak postojati nekoliko ograničenja za gradnju
sunčanih elektrana:
• one se neće moći postavljati na sakralnim i
objektima koji podliježu konzervatorskim uvje­
• one se neće moći postavljati na bespravno iz­
građenim objektima
• one će se moći postavljati samo na zgradama
i nosivim konstrukcijama koje zadovoljavaju
zahtjeve o čvrstoći i dinamičkim naprezanjima.
Ekonomske mjere za poboljšanje stanja
Osim mjera koje će se ostvariti donošenjem
novih i revizijom postojećih zakona i podzakon­
skih propisa, valja spomenuti i ekonomske mjere
(il. 4). Također treba spomenuti i državne pot­
pore MINGORP­a i kontinuirani porast ulaganja
u opremu i komponente za sunčane elektrane.
Tako su u 2010. godini državne potpore dobile
sljedeće tvrtke:

• Solvis: za razvoj i proizvodnju FN modula
• Brodarski institut: za razvoj solarnotermalnog
kogeneracijskog postrojenja i izgradnju pilot­
postrojenja solarne elektrane
• Elektrokem: za razvoj izmjenjivača za FN modu­
le s većom učinkovitošću
• Končar ­ Institut za elektrotehniku: za istraživa­
nje optimalnih struktura FN sustava.
Projekt ‘Vallis Solaris’
Strateški projekt solarizacije Hrvatske uz raz­
voj domaće industrije pod nazivom ‘Vallis Solaris’
koncipiran je kao znanstveno­istraživački i indus­
trijski projekt u smislu razvoja industrije stakla i
FN sustava većih kapaciteta (za hrvatsko tržište
i izvoz). U sklopu projekta predviđena je surad­
nja znanstveno­istraživačkih institucija i indus­
trijskih tvrtki iz Njemačke i Hrvatske (npr. Institut
Fraunhofer, Institut ‘Ruđer Bošković’, Interpane,
Lipik Glas, Immocroadria), pri čemu je njemačka
Savezna vlada osigurala 3,0 milijuna eura za su­
radnju instituta Fraunhofer i ‘Ruđer Bošković’. Pri
tome se predviđa optimirati cijeli proizodni lanac:
od proizvodnje stakla za FN sustave i proizvodnje
gotovih FN modula, do izgradnje sunčanih ele­
ktrana većih instaliranih snaga. Time će se ostva­
riti dodana vrijednost hrvatskom gospodarstvu,
odnosno njegova afirmacija u tom proizvodnom
programu, uz povećanje konkurentnosti za
tržišnu utakmicu u tom brzorastućem sektoru u

Igor RAGUZIN, dipl. ing.
Zoran PAČANDI, ing.

Više informacija na http://solarserdar.blogspot.com


Sunday, May 29, 2011

South Stream Project Presentation by CCRES


South Stream Project Presentation

What is South Stream?

The South Stream is a transnational gas pipeline project being developed for the purpose of diversifying the routes of natural gas supplies to European consumers and stipulating the conveyance of the blue fuel to South and Central Europe across the Black Sea.


The South Stream project is aimed at strengthening the European energy security. It is the key project in the diversification strategy for gas supply routes to the EU. The South Stream gas pipeline will ensure a direct connection between hydrocarbons suppliers and consumers thus raising significantly the energy supply security on the entire European continent.

Experts share the opinion that in the medium and long term gas demand will grow in the European Union. The countries which used to consume moderate amounts of gas for industrial purposes are likely to guide their economies towards its increased utilization, since coal, fuel oil and nuclear power are less environmentally-friendly if compared to natural gas. Regardless that indigenous production still satisfies the bulk of consumption in Europe today, it will steadily decrease in time. Europe will need more imported gas and, accordingly, new transmission capacities.

According to the consensus forecast by the world’s leading forecast centers, Europe’s annual demand for additional gas import may reach 80 billion cubic meters by 2020 and surpass 140 billion cubic meters by 2030.

Thus, the main issues of the European energy security are building up gas supplies and eliminating transit risks. These very criteria are fully met by Russia’s initiative related to the South Stream pipeline construction.

The major objective of the South Stream project is meeting Europe’s additional demand for natural gas, the most environmentally-friendly and secure fossil fuel. Natural gas will long remain a reliable foundation for the European energy sector, therefore, diversification of routes and implementation of joint projects to construct new offshore gas pipeline systems are vital elements of the current energy security architecture in Europe.

Gas Pipeline Route

The South Stream gas pipeline will ensure direct gas supplies from the producer to the consumer.

At the pre-investment stage of the project a number of optional gas pipeline routes are being addressed including onshore sections crossing a number of European countries as well as offshore gas pipelines running via the Black and Adriatic Seas (in case the option of gas supply to Southern Italy is selected). Besides, it is projected to expand the existing and construct new gas transmission capacities in the Russian Federation in order to provide South Stream with a sufficient amount of natural gas.

New Gas Pipeline Routes in Russia
A new 2.5-kilometer gas pipeline system intended for providing South Stream with natural gas will run from the Pochinki compressor station to the Black Sea coast. Ten compressor stations are to be built for this purpose.

Gas pipelines will be laid in eight Russian regions: the Voronezh, Volgograd, Rostov, Nizhny Novgorod, Penza and Saratov Oblasts, Mordovia and the Krasnodar Krai.

In 2010 upon acquisition of all the necessary permits and approvals, the relevant design and survey operations were initiated.

Offshore Section
Running across the Black Sea, the South Stream offshore section will connect the Russkaya compressor station on the Russian coast with the Bulgarian coast. Its total length will be some 900 kilometers, the maximum depth – over two kilometers.

There are several optional routes for the South Stream offshore section in the Black Sea. At present, the route crossing the exclusive economic zones of Russia, Turkey and Bulgaria is being elaborated as the key one.

Gazprom has already completed the feasibility study for the South Stream offshore section using its own resources. At the moment, the Company is carrying out engineering and reconnaissance surveys offshore the Black Sea.

Gazprom is implementing the pipeline offshore section in cooperation with Italian Eni S.p.A. French EDF is to join the two companies soon.

South Stream Sections in Southern and Central Europe
Two options for the gas pipeline route in Europe are being considered today. The northwestern route – towards Slovenia and Austria via Bulgaria, Serbia and Hungary and the southwestern route – towards Greece and Italy. Gas laterals will be diverted from the main route of the South Stream onshore section in Europe to Croatia and Macedonia.

Russia signed intergovernmental agreements with Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Greece, Slovenia, Austria and Croatia for the purpose of implementing the onshore pipeline section in Europe. These agreements stipulate preparation of feasibility studies for the South Stream construction in each of the project host countries as well as setting up joint ventures between Gazprom and national energy companies authorized to implement the project. All national feasibility studies will be completed before long, laying the foundation for the consolidated feasibility study.

By now, the feasibility studies for Serbia and Slovenia have already been submitted.

The obtained results and the immense experience of the South Stream partners in designing and implementing large-scale international infrastructure projects will permit to start the South Stream gas pipeline construction in 2013. First gas supplies are scheduled for 2015.

Environment Safety and Responsibility

South Stream: Natural Gas and Highest Environmental Standards
Environment and safety are top priorities of South Stream. The project is aimed at supplying Europe with the cleanest fossil fuel in the most eco-friendly way.

In addition to the benefit derived from guaranteed and competitively priced energy supplies to European consumers, South Stream will also enable Europe to significantly reduce CO2 emissions before long as transition to natural gas from pollutant fuels is the most effective way of reducing hazardous air emissions.

South Stream brings together leading Russian and European companies which have a vast experience in building and operating onshore and offshore pipelines.

Priority environmental targets of South Stream include process and environmental safety of its construction and operation, preservation of the natural habitat in the pipeline facilities areas as well as efficient use of natural resources.

South Stream will be built with the use of cutting-edge and time-tested engineering solutions meeting environmental requirements.

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for South Stream will be completed in full compliance with the international and European laws and regulations as well as with the national legislation of the project host countries.

Project History
On November 13, 2010 Gazprom and Bulgarian Energy Holding signed the Shareholders’ Agreement and the Articles of Association for the South Stream Bulgaria AD joint project company (JPC) to implement the South Stream project in the Republic of Bulgaria.

On October 22, 2010 Gazprom and Bulgarian Energy Holding signed the Agreement on the feasibility study for the Bulgarian section of the South Stream gas pipeline.

On October 13, 2010 Gazprom and Transgaz S.A. signed the Memorandum of Intent to prepare a feasibility study for South Stream in Romania.

On June 19, 2010 Gazprom, Eni and EDF signed the trilateral Memorandum providing for specific steps towards the French company’s entry in the shareholding structure of South Stream AG.

On June 7, 2010 Gazprom and DESFA signed the Articles of Association for the South Stream Greece S.A. joint project company to implement the South Stream project in Greece.

On April 24, 2010 Russia and Austria signed the intergovernmental agreement envisaging Austria’s accession to the South Stream project;

Gazprom and OMV signed the Basic Agreement of Cooperation under the South Stream project implementation in the Republic of Austria.

On March 2, 2010 Russia and Croatia signed the intergovernmental agreement envisaging Croatia’s accession to the South Stream project.

On January 29, 2010 Gazprom and Hungarian Development Bank (MFB) set up the South Stream Hungary Zrt. joint venture to implement the South Stream project in the Republic of Hungary.

On November 27, 2009 Gazprom and EDF signed the Memorandum envisaging joint participation of the companies in the South Stream project implementation.

On November 17, 2009 the constituent documents were submitted for the registration of the South Stream Serbia AG joint project company.

On November 14, 2009 Russia and Slovenia signed the intergovernmental agreement on Slovenia’s engagement into the South Stream gas pipeline construction in the country.

On May 15, 2009 Gazprom and Bulgarian Energy Holding signed the Agreement of Cooperation as part of the South Stream project implementation;

Gazprom and DESFA signed the Basic Agreement of Cooperation as part of the South Stream project implementation;

Gazprom and Srbijagas signed the Basic Agreement of Cooperation as part of the South Stream project implementation;

Gazprom and Eni signed the Second Addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding on further actions as part of the South Stream project stipulating an increase in the annual capacity of the offshore pipeline section to 63 billion cubic meters.

On March 10, 2009 Gazprom and Hungarian Development Bank (MFB) signed the Basic Agreement of Cooperation within the South Stream project implementation.

On April 29, 2008 Russia and Greece signed the intergovernmental agreement on the South Stream gas pipeline construction in Greece.

On February 28, 2008 Russia and Hungary signed the intergovernmental agreement envisaging Hungary’s engagement into the South Stream gas transmission system project.

On January 25, 2008 Russia and Serbia signed the umbrella intergovernmental agreement for the South Stream project and the Banatski Dvor UGS project.

On January 18, 2008 Russia and Bulgaria signed the intergovernmental agreement envisaging Bulgaria’s participation in the South Stream project;

The special-purpose company South Stream AG was registered in Switzerland. South Stream AG is incorporated by Gazprom and Eni on a parity basis.

On June 23, 2007 Gazprom and Eni signed the Memorandum of Understanding for the South Stream project implementation.

Facts and Figures

South Stream gas pipeline design capacity: 63 billion cubic meters per annum.

Total length of the offshore pipeline section: 900 kilometers.

Maximum pipeline depth in the Black Sea: 2,250 meters.

Russia signed intergovernmental agreements with:

Bulgaria – January 18, 2008;
Serbia – January 25, 2008;
Hungary – February 28, 2008;
Greece – April 29, 2008;
Slovenia – November 14, 2009;
Croatia – March 2, 2010;
Austria – April 24, 2010.
Construction of South Stream will commence in 2013.

First gas supplies are scheduled for late 2015.

South Stream costs will be finally estimated after completion of the Consolidated Feasibility Study for the gas pipeline. They will be comparable to those of similar projects.More info at http://solarserdar.blogspot.com


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Best Green Cars, 2011


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Best Green Cars, 2011

The hybrid car that changed the world • The electric cars that will change the world • $1,000s in rebates and incentives • 40 mpg for the long haul • All-electric daily driving • 38 mpg with smiles • $2.75 to recharge • No range anxiety • 35 mpg with zip

Read more: http://www.motherearthnews.com/2011-best-green-cars-zm0z11zroc.aspx#ixzz1NddNzjFw

Back in 2000, Toyota released the Prius, a gasoline-electric hybrid, in the United States. That year, the average price of gas was just $1.49, yet here was a quirky little car that touted 40-plus mpg. A 2004 redesign gave the Prius even better mpg and its iconic shape, and it became so popular Toyota couldn’t keep up with demand. Today, the Prius is the most successful hybrid by far and has basically come to define “green car.” It’s no surprise, then, that the Prius is back among the annual MOTHER EARTH NEWS Best Green Cars.

Have you ever wondered what the heck “Prius” actually means? It’s a Latin word meaning “to go before.” Toyota chose it to signify that the car and its hybrid technology would be a precursor of the energy-efficient cars of the future — which has certainly proved true, given the numerous hybrids released by Toyota and others. However, it’s the two all-electric cars on our 2011 list that herald the next revolution in green transportation.

Yes, practical and accessible electric cars from major automakers are finally here. Neither electric car is perfect, but the Prius wasn’t either back in 2000. Of the many features that make the Chevrolet Volt and Nissan Leaf compelling, their driving range and cost to own are what may make them most appealing. The Leaf has a range of about 100 miles, depending on driving conditions. The Volt has a shorter all-electric range, but uses a gas engine to power its two electric motors when needed for a total range of about 375 miles.

Sick of paying about $50 to fill the tank of your gas car? How does $2 to $3 sound? Given the national average cost of electricity (11 cents per kilowatt-hour), that’s about what you would pay to “fill up” an electric car by recharging it overnight. And if you’re curious about the environmental costs of gasoline versus fossil fuel electricity, read Why Electric Cars Are Cleaner. In short, while there is regional variability, electric cars are cleaner than gas cars. That said, the ultimate solution is to recharge with renewable energy.

The three other vehicles that make up our 2011 Best Green Cars are revolutionary in their own right: The Ford Fiesta has the best blend of affordability and efficiency; the Honda CR-Z proves that hybrids can be fun to drive; and the Jetta TDI is the best example of clean diesel’s efficiency and workhorse longevity.

Whether you own one of these six cars now, later or never, you’ll benefit from them. They’re making mobility greener, reducing our dependence on oil, and instigating more innovation in the auto industry. In this new era of green car competition, we’re all winners.

Best Green Cars: Keys to the Data and the Experts

Base Price: the manufacturer’s suggested retail price + destination fee

EPA Gas Mileage: official fuel economy estimates (your mileage may vary)

Annual Fuel Cost: assumes $3.75/gallon regular gasoline; $3.95/gallon premium gasoline; $3.97/gallon diesel; $0.11 per kilowatt-hour of electricity; 15,000 miles driven annually at 55% city, 45% highway

Air Pollution Score: from the EPA; zero = most tailpipe emissions, 10 = least

Greenhouse Gas Score: from the EPA; zero = most greenhouse gas emissions, 10 = least

ACEEE Green Score: from the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy; the higher the score, the better; best 2011 score is 54; see www.GreenerCars.org

Brad Berman: founder and editor, www.HybridCars.com and www.PluginCars.com

Terry Penney: program manager for advanced vehicle technologies at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Ron Cogan: editor and publisher, Green Car Journal

Todd Kaho: executive editor, Green Car Journal and editor of www.FrugalDriver.com

Chelsea Sexton: founder, Lightning Rod Foundation; electric car advocate

James Kliesch: research director for the clean vehicles program at the Union of Concerned Scientists

Jim Motavalli: author of High Voltage: The Fast Track to Plug in the Auto Industry

Chevrolet Volt

(extended-range electric; sedan/hatchback)

Base Price: $41,000

EPA Gas Mileage Equivalent: 95 city, 90 hwy, 93 overall (electric only); 35 city, 40 hwy, 37 overall (with gas only)

Annual Fuel Cost: $594 electric only; $1,601 gas only

Electric Range: 25 to 50 miles; 375 total via the gas engine

Recharge Time: 4 hours on 240-volt; 10 hours on 120-volt

Air Pollution Score: 6

Greenhouse Gas Score: 8

ACEEE Green Score: 48


Enough electric range to cover the daily driving needs of most people. Easy to recharge. Drives seamlessly, like a conventional car.

No need for “range anxiety” (the fear of losing battery power) thanks to the gas engine “range extender.”

Many Volt drivers will need no more than 9.3 gallons of gas per year (the car uses at least one tank’s worth to keep the engine fresh).

Federal tax credit of $7,500; 2012 model may be eligible for some state-based rebates and tax credits of about $5,000.

Named a Top Safety Pick by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety because it earned top ratings in front, side, rollover and rear crash safety evaluations.

Warranty on the lithium-ion batteries: eight years/100,000 miles.


Sticker price of $41,000 ($33,500 after federal tax credit). Not eligible for California’s $5,000 rebate at this time.

Currently only available in six states (CA, CT, MI, NJ, NY, TX) and Washington, D.C. Nationwide availability will begin in late 2011.

Gasoline-powered range extender requires premium gas, which costs about 20 cents more per gallon than regular unleaded.


“The Volt is the best of all worlds, hybrid and electric.” — Ron Cogan

“A powerhouse of technology innovation. But the $41,000 price tag is steep.” — Brad Berman

“The Volt is a comfortable car to drive on a daily basis. The great bonus: You can often do so without using a drop of gas.” — Todd Kaho

“The Volt worked wonders for GM’s publicity. It’ll do that for the environment, too, if GM can ramp up sales.” — James Kliesch

“Too much is made of the premium gas requirement. Over the course of a year in a Volt, an urban driver will put more money in parking meters than into the extra cost of premium gas.” — Chelsea Sexton


The Volt may have the most-complicated-to-explain car technology ever, but that technology may also make it the easiest electric car to own and drive, ever. Think of it as a smarter (meaning nearly all-electric) hybrid car, or an electric car with a safety net (the gas engine). The Volt represents a new breed of green car — made in the United States — and that’s something to be proud of, even if you never own one.

Nissan Leaf

(all-electric; sedan/hatchback)

Base Price: $33,630

EPA Gas Mileage Equivalent: 106 city, 92 hwy, 99 overall

Annual Fuel Cost: $561

Electric Range: 62 to 138 miles

Recharge Time: 7 hours on 220-volt; 20 hours on 120-volt

Air Pollution Score: 10

Greenhouse Gas Score: 10

ACEEE Green Score: 54


Never needs gas! Its range covers most people’s daily driving needs.

The average cost for a “tank” of energy to “refuel” a Leaf: $2.75.

No need for oil changes, etc. According to Automobile magazine, Leaf owners — compared with Prius owners — will save $1,360 on maintenance over three years.

Federal tax credit of $7,500. Six states (CA, CO, GA, HI, IL, MD) have tax credits or rebates of $2,000 to $6,000. If you can combine state and federal incentives, the Leaf can be less expensive than the Prius.

Warranty on the lithium-ion batteries: eight years/100,000 miles.

Vast passenger room (can fit three child seats in the back).

Named a Top Safety Pick by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety because it earned top ratings in front, side, rollover and rear crash safety evaluations.

Named the 2011 World Car of the Year by a panel of automotive journalists from Asia, Europe and North America.

If you can recharge your cell phone, you can recharge the Leaf.

Will be built in Tennessee in 2012 to meet nationwide availability.


Sticker price of $33,630; $26,130 after the federal tax credit.

Limited regional availability now. Nationwide availability in 2012.

Not ideal for those who drive more than 60 miles a day, depending on the driving conditions (unless you can recharge at work).


“It’s a breakthrough electric car.” — Brad Berman

“Nissan nailed the ride and handling qualities of the Leaf. You’ll never feel compromised for the choice to go electric.” — Todd Kaho

“The Leaf’s one flaw is that its range can be reduced in cold weather because the heater is a big energy user.” — Jim Motavalli

“Don’t get too hung up on the range of the Leaf (or the Volt). Most people drive less than 50 miles a day. Electric cars aren’t meant to replace the family sedan for cross-country trips. Think of them as another tool in the inventory of transportation options.” — Terry Penney


The Leaf is the most exciting thing to happen to cars since, well, the Volt. Like the Volt, the Leaf is the real deal — this isn’t a PR gimmick or science experiment. Unlike the Volt, the Leaf never uses gasoline. The positive of that is obvious. The negative is not having another power source as a backup. Do you have renewable energy at home or through your utility? Drive the Leaf and you can drive energy independence!

Toyota Prius

(gasoline-electric hybrid; sedan/hatchback)

Base Price: $24,280

EPA Gas Mileage: 51 city, 48 hwy, 50 overall

Annual Fuel Cost: $1,125

Air Pollution Score: 7

Greenhouse Gas Score: 10

ACEEE Green Score: 52


50 mpg with room for five. Enough said?

With more than 1 million Prii (yes, that’s the official plural of Prius) sold in the United States, it’s the most proven and safest bet among green cars.

Consistently earns high marks for safety and mechanical reliability from Consumer Reports, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and J.D. Power and Associates.

Warranty on hybrid battery system: 8 years/100,000 miles.

No need to plug it in to recharge.


Still using nickel metal hydride batteries instead of the more advanced lithium-ion batteries used by all-electric cars.

Can’t plug in to recharge. That is, until the plug-in version is available in 2012.

If you’re considering a Prius, it may be best to wait because you’ll have more options soon. The Prius V, a station wagon-esque version, goes on sale this summer. For early 2012, Toyota promises the Prius C — a smaller, less expensive and even more fuel-efficient version of the traditional hybrid.


“By far the leading hybrid — no competitor comes close, or is able to offer the Prius’ level of utility and 50 mpg.” — Jim Motavalli

“The most fuel-efficient car available today from Toyota came out 10 years ago. It’s long past time to start expecting better from Toyota.” — Chelsea Sexton

“The Prius now competes with the Nissan Leaf and Chevy Volt. Those cars use lithium-ion batteries, while the Prius sticks with nickel metal hydride. Yet, by next year, the plug-in Prius will have lithium batteries, which will push its mpg to 70 or higher.” — Brad Berman


After more than a decade of success, the Prius has changed the world. It’s the standard by which all other high-mpg cars are judged, but it has also become much more than just a green car. The Prius is simply a practical, reliable and fuel-efficient family car, period. But with new and unprecedented competition, will the Prius remain the No. 1 green car? Only time will tell, but given the Prius’ history, it’s hard not to have high expectations.

Ford Fiesta

(gasoline; subcompact sedan or hatchback)

Base Price: $15,090 for the sedan S trim; $16,890 for the hatchback SE trim

EPA Gas Mileage: 29 city, 38 hwy, 33 overall

Annual Fuel Cost: $1,705

Air Pollution Score: 6

Greenhouse Gas Score: 8

ACEEE Green Score: 49


If your drive to work has speed limits between 40 and 60 mph, the Fiesta can consistently deliver about 40 mpg.

While this Fiesta is new to the United States, it’s actually the sixth-generation version of the car, and it has been a best-seller around the world.

Simple but highly useful real-time gas mileage display directly in front of the driver.

Fun, unique and sporty looks that belie its price. Guaranteed to turn heads and produce smiles.

The first minicar to receive a Top Safety Pick designation from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. It earned top ratings in front, side, rollover and rear crash safety evaluations.


Uncomfortable interior, front and back. Back seat riders may experience claustrophobia.

The “super fuel economy” option (an extra $395 in the hatchback, $695 in the sedan) may sound appealing, but it only adds 2 mpg on the highway.

The Fiesta’s precise handling and tight turning may require some getting used to on turns and high-speed curves.


“An excellent small car that proves that hybridization isn’t the only route to good fuel economy.” — Jim Motavalli

“A smart design using an improved engine, transmission and aerodynamics cuts the Fiesta’s emissions and saves money at the pump.” — James Kliesch

“The Fiesta is the European-inspired small car from Ford we have been waiting for. It’s the right size for commuting and most missions, yet is quite frugal and fun to drive.” — Todd Kaho


If you’re looking for the best mpg bang for the least bucks, then the Fiesta is your party. Among budget-priced, gas-only cars, the Fiesta beats the competition (the Chevrolet Cruze, Honda Fit, Nissan Versa and Toyota Yaris) for the best combination of gas mileage and affordable price. If all other things are equal for you, go with the stylish hatchback version over the sedan.

Honda CR-Z

(gasoline-electric hybrid; two-seater)

Base Price: $20,745 (automatic transmission)

EPA Gas Mileage: 35 city, 39 hwy, 37 overall

Annual Fuel Cost: $1,520

Air Pollution Score: 8

Greenhouse Gas Score: 8

ACEEE Green Score: 48


Nimble, quick and sheer fun to drive. With its cozy interior, electrically assisted acceleration and different driving modes, you’ll feel like a kid in a cockpit.

The three driving modes — economy, normal and sport — give the CR-Z yoga-like flexibility for any driving situation and give the driver significant control over mpg.

The real-time efficiency feedback display is informative and easy to take advantage of without being distracted from driving.

It’s even more fun to drive the version with a six-speed manual transmission. The CR-Z is the only hybrid available with a stick shift.

Has a surprising amount of storage space for such a small car.


There’s only room for two: a driver and a passenger. That said, credit Honda for not creating a back seat only contortionists could enjoy.

The small and horizontally split rear window offers very limited visibility. Keep your head on a swivel.

The official gas mileage estimates are disappointingly low for a small, hybrid car.

Has an identity crisis between sports car and fuel-efficient hybrid. If you’re expecting a sports car, you’ll be disappointed. If you’re expecting 60 mpg, you’ll be disappointed.


“Many drivers will do better than the EPA’s estimated mpg while driving in economy and normal modes.” — Ron Cogan

“The CR-Z is a blast to drive when the road throws twists and turns your way.” — Todd Kaho

“The CR-Z brings the idea of the iconic CR-X of the ’80s into the current era. CR-X fans have fond memories of that little, fuel-efficient racer, but by today’s standards it’s small and slow. The CR-Z is more refined and powerful, with one of the best mpg numbers available today.” — Brad Berman


Among hybrids, the Honda CR-Z is the most fun to drive by a mile, at least. It’s ideal for highway commuters or drivers who regularly only need room for themselves and, at most, one other person. Don’t be too bummed by its official mpg estimate. Use the different driving modes wisely and you’ll see 40-plus mpg.

Volkswagen Jetta TDI

(diesel; sedan)

Base Price: $24,865

EPA Gas Mileage: 30 city, 42 hwy, 34 overall

Annual Fuel Cost: $1,751

Air Pollution Score: 5

Greenhouse Gas Score: 7

ACEEE Green Score: 48


The diesel Jetta gets great highway fuel economy and is ideal for road trips given its range (500 miles or more), which Automobile magazine describes as akin to that of a nuclear submarine.

Redesigned to be slightly larger and lighter than the diesel Jetta that won the 2009 Green Car of the Year award from Green Car Journal, but with the same strong mpg rating.

Capable of using B5 biodiesel (5 percent biodiesel, 95 percent petrodiesel), and doing so doesn’t void the warranty.

Diesel engines routinely last longer than gasoline engines. 250,000 to 300,000 miles (or even more) is fair to expect.

Many drivers report better-than-the-rating fuel economy results. You can see real-world examples at TDI Tank Wars.


Diesel fuel generally costs about 15 to 30 cents more per gallon than regular gasoline. The DOE projects that diesel fuel will average $3.81 in 2011.

Compared with the Prius, the diesel Jetta is more expensive and has lower fuel economy.

The $1,300 tax credit from Uncle Sam for clean diesel cars from Volkswagen has expired.


“Diesel technology is underappreciated in the United States. The Jetta TDI shows that today’s diesel isn’t smelly, slow or wreathed in black smoke as were the diesels of the 1980s.” — Jim Motavalli

“While cars like the Jetta TDI are a huge improvement over their diesel ancestors, they don’t yet meet the cleanest tailpipe emissions standards regularly met by most hybrids.” — James Kliesch

“Clean diesel is a fuel-saving, carbon-reducing technology that is here today and requires no new infrastructure. The fact that abundant torque makes TDI cars great fun to drive is icing on the cake.” — Todd Kaho


The Jetta TDI is at the top of the new class of diesel cars, and proves that clean diesel deserves a place in the lineup of green car options. If you’re looking for long-term value, high-mpg (especially on the highway) and more oomph than you get with most hybrids, the Jetta may be the right car for you.

By John Rockhold

Read more: http://www.motherearthnews.com/2011-best-green-cars-zm0z11zroc.aspx#ixzz1NdczSYIp
Read more about CCRES : http://solarserdar.blogspot.com


Thursday, May 26, 2011




The term “strategic plan” has become so misused and abused in the nonprofit sector that it has almost become meaningless. So many organizations have undergone a poor strategic planning process that the idea of “strategic planning” has almost become laughable. But the fact remains that to be truly effective at creating social change a nonprofit organization MUST have a strategy for the future and a plan for how they will get there.

There are some very clear ways that a good strategic plan differs from a poor one:

A good strategic plan starts from an in-depth understanding of the outside community marketplace in which the nonprofit operates (trends in clients, funders, competitors, etc). Whereas a bad strategic plan is created in a vacuum among only board and staff. One nonprofit told me that at a board retreat years ago, board members were asked to write their goals for the organization on post-it notes, which were then tacked all over the room and voted on. And like that, their strategic plan was born.

A good strategic plan forces the organization to articulate its value proposition, i.e. how the organization uniquely uses community inputs to create significant social value (change to a social problem). A poor strategic plan fails to articulate a value proposition and assumes that everyone outside the organization loves it and understands its value just as much as everyone inside the organization.

A good strategic plan puts everything on the table and allows no sacred cows. Board members with pet interests are reigned in and staff members who are not contributing are encouraged to realign themselves with the new plan. A poor strategic plan only deals with the easy or non-controversial issues and leaves the difficult questions aside.

A good strategic plan makes sure that the strategy for programs is aligned with the organization’s business and financial model so that the resulting strategic plan includes programs, financing and operations in an integrated way. A poor strategic plan focuses only on programs and assumes that the money will somehow follow.

A good strategic plan includes a tactical plan so that the broad goals are broken down into individual steps to get there. This allows the organization to monitor and revise the plan on an on-going basis. A poor strategic plan has no tactical plan or monitoring system attached to it. Once approved, staff or board don’t see it again and it certainly doesn’t drive the day-to-day activity of the organization.

A good strategic plan is inspiring and compelling to potential funders. It sets forth a bold vision for the future and a specific road map for getting there, which inspires confidence and investment. A poor strategic plan is boring, maintains the status quo, and elicits only nominal external support.
It’s not enough to go through the “strategy” motions. A real strategic plan is bold, compelling, tactical, well-financed, integrated and inspiring. It gets everyone (staff, board, funders, volunteers, clients) moving forward in a common direction from which real change flows.More info at http://solarserdar.blogspot.com


Updated EPA fuel economy labels


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EPA fuel economy labels

Updated U.S. fuel economy labeling unveiled today includes additional information on plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles and highlights other advanced technologies aimed at reducing gasoline consumption and tailpipe emissions. These stickers replace the much-derided "letter grade" proposals.

The redesigned window stickers, required on all 2013 models, enables consumers to quickly compare fuel savings for different types of vehicles, whether they rely on gasoline or some type of alternative fuel. For example, the labels display estimates of how much fuel or electricity would be required to drive 100 miles and how much time is needed to charge a plug-in vehicles like the Chevy Volt and the Nissan Leaf.

Lisa Jackson, administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), says the reason for the redesigned labels is to give consumers, "the best possible information about which cars on the lot offer the greatest fuel economy and the best environmental performance." The EPA developed the updated labels with assistance from the Department of Transportation.More info at http://solarserdar.blogspot.com


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Forum 'CROENERGO' u okviru IFONT-a



Forum 'CROENERGO' u okviru IFONT-a

Forum o ekološkim tehnologijama, inovacijama, poslovanju i srodnim europskim pitanjima "CROENERGO" održati će se u okviru Međunarodnog sajma novih tehnologija IFONT, u četvrtak, dana 26.05.2011. s početkom u 14:00 sati u Spaladium Areni u Splitu.

Organizator Foruma je Savez za energetiku Zagreba u suradnji s Europskom poduzetničkom mrežom Hrvatske i Banco Popolare Croatia. Partner Foruma je Međunarodni sajam novih tehnologija IFONT.

Forum o ekološkim tehnologijama, inovacijama, poslovanju i srodnim europskim pitanjima "croenergo" sveobuhvatna je nacionalna konferencija usmjerena stvaranju svijesti i pružanju relevantnih informacija o integraciji eko-tehnologija u gospodarsku svakodnevicu Republike Hrvatske. Forum pokriva široki spektar prezentacija domaćih i međunarodnih institucija, poduzeća i nevladinih organizacija s tematikom razvoja i primjene ekoloških tehnologija i inovacija, ekološkog (održivog) poslovanja i informiranja o aktualnim programima i financijskim instrumentima Europske unije.

Po uzoru na suvremene europske konferencije, Forum "croenergo" organizira se s ciljem ispitivanja tržišnih trendova, identifikacije i rasprave o izazovima s kojima se u ovim područjima suočavaju gospodarski dionici, definiranja udjela dobrih tržišnih praksi i pružanja preporuka za razvoj programa financijske potpore. Prvi Forum "croenergo" istražit će raspoložive mogućnosti za financiranje ekoloških tehnologija i inovacija s naglaskom na javno-privatnu interakciju.

Forum sa sloganom "Rast kroz štedno, zeleno i konkurentno gospodarstvo" podrazumijeva pružanje sveobuhvatnih informacija o razvoju gospodarske konkurentnosti koja uključuje učinkovito i održivo korištenje resursa, zaštitu okoliša i sprječavanje gubitka biološke raznolikosti, te preuzimanje vodstva u razvoju novih zelenih tehnologija i metodologije proizvodnje.

Program Foruma "CROENERGO"


Naziv predavanja / Predavač

Uloga Saveza za energetiku Zagreba i portala croenergo.eu / Tomislav Marjanović, predsjednik Saveza za energetiku Zagreba

Greenovation – prva hrvatska nagrada za razvoj zelenog gospodarstva / Tomislav Marjanović, predsjednik Saveza za energetiku Zagreba

Mogućnosti financiranja projekata: CIP INTELIGENTNA ENERGIJA / Tomislav Marjanović, predsjednik Saveza za energetiku Zagreba

Mogućnosti financiranja projekata: CIP EKO INOVACIJE / Tomislav Marjanović, predsjednik Saveza za energetiku Zagreba

Ekološke i inovativne barijere za zaštitu od buke (uspješan primjer projekta sufinanciran putem CIP EKO INOVACIJE) / Prof.dr.sc. Stjepan Lakušić, Pročelnik Katedre za željeznice Građevinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Prezentacija linije financiranja tehnologijskih istraživačko-razvojnih projekata TEST / Vladimir Sabo, voditelj programa TEST u Hrvatskom institutu za tehnologije d.o.o.

Komercijalizacija tehnoloških inovacija u Republici Hrvatskoj / Mr.sc. Andrija Petrović, direktor Tehnološkog parka Varaždin d.o.o.

Inovacije i transfer tehnologije / Domagoj Oreb, predsjednik Uprave Ruđer inovacije d.o.o.

Zeleni krediti Banco Popolare Croatia - rast kroz štedno, zeleno i konkurentno gospodarstvo / Sanja Pančić, voditeljica Odjela marketinga i komunikacija BPC


Naziv predavanja / Predavač

LG-eva inovativna rješenja za energetsku učinkovitost / Mario Medved, Direktor LG Hrvatska d.o.o.

Smanjenje negativnog utjecaja na okoliš - energetska učinkovitost i obnovljivi izvori energije / Tomislav Ivančić, Systems Development and Sales Specialist u ABB d.o.o. za trgovinu inženjering i usluge

Predstavljanje XD – KONCEPTA / Ivo Zamberlin, Sales & Marketing Manager u DOK-ING Automotiv d.o.o.


Sustavi za uštedu vode i energije / Goran Jurić, direktor Eko Utilis d.o.o.


Naziv predavanja / Predavač

Perspektiva tržišne konkurentnosti eko tehnologija i inovacija u okviru sajma SASO / Natalija Bradarić, koordinatora Odjela stranih tržišta tvrtke Sajam d.o.o.

Pogon vodikom na zahtjev tehnologija visokih standarda, primjena i rezultati / Ivo Poljak, inženjer t.c.p. u Hrvatskoj radio televiziji



Naziv okruglog stola / Sudionici

'Izazovi razvoja eko-tehnologija' / Sanja Pančić, Andrija Petrović, Domagoj Oreb, Mario Medvedev, Tomislav Ivančić, Ivo Poljak
Sudjelovanje na Forumu je besplatno za sve sudionike. Koordinatori projekta su Marin Pasarić, glavni tajnik Saveza za energetiku Zagreba i Tomislav Marjanović, predsjednik Saveza za energetiku Zagreba. Voditelj Foruma i moderator okruglog stola je Tomislav Marjanović.

Za sva pitanja, slobodno nam se obratite putem telefonskog broja 01-2452-329 ili putem e-mail-a info@croenergo.eu.




predstavlja Vam Tvrtku


Ponukani s nekoliko medijskih članaka o projektima sunčanih elektrana u Republici Hrvatskoj, a tako i zadnjim kojeg su postavili u Sikirevcima,došlo je vrijeme i za bolju medijsku popraćenost zagrebačke Tvrtke STRUJA IZ PRIRODE d.o.o.

Projekt sunčane elektrane Sikirevci na čelu s Zdravkom Vugrincem odradila je tvrtka Struja iz prirode d.o.o. iz Zagreba, koja je vodila projekt Orahovica 1. Oprema solarne elektrane korištena za puštanje sustava u rad je Sun energy moduli i SMA trofazni inverter snage 10 KWp.

Tvrtka nudi kompletnu uslugu od ideje do puštanja u rad solarnih postrojenja.
U svojoj ponudi ima nekoliko FOTONAPONSKIH KOMPLETA

Solarni fotonaponski komplet 50W/12V

Prosječna godišnja proizvodnja energije 50-75KWh

Fotonaponski sustav 12V namijenjen za rasvjetu i uređaje koji rade na 12V ,radio, tv, CB stanica.

Prosječna mjesečna proizvodnja energije od 4,5KWh do 6,5KWh za područje kontinentalne Hrvatske za mediteranski dio od 5,5KWh do 8KWh

Komplet sadrži slijedeće komponente
Solarni fotonaponski panel 50W/12V polikristalinski 1 kom
Regulator punjenja Steca 6A/12V 1 kom
Akumulator solarni 105Ah/12V 1 kom
Kablovi akumulatorski 8 mm 2 kom
Kablovi za spajanje fotonaponskog modula 2 kom
Osigurač serijski 15A/150V 1 kom
Žarulje 10W/12V 5 kom
Cijena sustava 5.950,00 kn mpc Usluga montaže 1.000,00 kn mpc

Utrošak materijala,kablovi,osigurači kanalice i potrošni materijal nisu uračunati u cijenu montaže. Putni troškovi i transport opreme 2,00kn/km.Autocesta i troškovi trajekta ili broda nisu uključeni u cijenu. Cijene su izražene u kunama.Pridržavamo pravo promjene cijena bez najave.
Oprema može biti različitih proizvođača ovisno o raspoloživosti na skladištu .

Avans za opremu u iznosu 80% od cijelokupnog iznosa.

Solarni fotonaponski komplet 100W/12V

Prosječna godišnja proizvodnja energije 104 - 138KWh

Komplet namijenjen za zahtjevnije potrebe ,dulje vrijeme rasvjete, pogon 12 Voltne pumpe za vodu,dulje gledanje TV ,cijelodnevno korištenje radio uređaja, vikend korištenje malog frižidera 12 Volti do 50 lit.

Prosječna mjesečna proizvodnja energije je 8,6 KWh za područje kontinentalne Hrvatske, a za mediteranski dio 11 KWh

Komplet sadrži slijedeće komponente
Solarni fotonaponski panel 100W/12V Schott 1 kom
Regulator punjenja Steca 10A/12V 1 kom
Akumulator solarni 105Ah/12V 1 kom
Kablovi akumulatorski 8 mm 2 kom
Kablovi za spajanje fotonaponskog modula 2 kom
Osigurač serijski 15A/150V 1 kom
Žarulje 10W/12V 5 kom
Cijena sustava 6.950,00 kn mpc Usluga montaže 1.000,00 kn mpc

Utrošak materijala,kablovi,osigurači kanalice i potrošni materijal nisu uračunati u cijenu montaže. Putni troškovi i transport opreme 2,00kn/km.Autocesta i troškovi trajekta ili broda nisu uključeni u cijenu. Cijene su izražene u kunama.Pridržavamo pravo promjene cijena bez najave.
Oprema može biti različitih proizvođača ovisno o raspoloživosti na skladištu .

Avans za opremu u iznosu 80% od cijelokupnog iznosa

Mali otočni sustav 200W/220V

Prosječna godišnja proizvodnja energije od 200/275 KWh

Solarni komplet snage 200W/220V služi za potrebe rasvjete, frižidera A+ energetskog razreda 150 lit ili manje škrinje, ledenice do 50 lit, TV-a sa potrošnjom do 100W, radio aparata i manjih alata.
Sustav radi na 220V ,pogodan je za vikendice na kopnu i moru sa kraćim boravkom do 5 dana, upotreba štednih žarulja je obavezna, broj žarulja nije limitiran s obzirom da sve nisu nikada upaljene. Struja punjenja max 15A.
Prosječna mjesečna proizvodnja energije od 9KWh do 12,5KWh za područje kontinentalne Hrvatske za mediteranski dio od 14,5KWh do16KWh.

Komplet sadrži slijedeće komponente
Solarni fotonaponski panel 100W/12V Schott 2 kom
Regulator punjenja Steca 15A/12V 1 kom
Akumulator solarni 100Ah/12V 1 kom
Pretvarač napona 12/220V 400/800W 1 kom
AKCIJA 12% popusta na cijenu sustava bez montaže Nova cijena 10.560,00 kn mpc

Cijena sustava bila je 12,000,00 kn mpc Usluga montaže 1.500,00 kn mpc

Opcija dodatnog akumulatora 100Ah / 12V MIDAC, VIPIEMME, EXIDE,RITAR 1570,00 kn mpc

Utrošak materijala,kablovi,osigurači kanalice i potrošni materijal nisu uračunati u cijenu montaže. Putni troškovi i transport opreme 2,00kn/km.Autocesta i troškovi trajekta ili broda nisu uključeni u cijenu. Cijene su izražene u kunama.Pridržavamo pravo promjene cijena bez najave.
Oprema može biti različitih proizvođača ovisno o raspoloživosti na skladištu .
Avans za opremu u iznosu 80% od cijelokupnog iznosa.

Srednji otočni sustav 400W / 220V

Prosječna godišnja proizvodnja energije od 415 - 516 KWh

Solarni komplet snage 400W/1600W služi za korištenje sa stalnom upotrebom frižidera A ili A+ energetskog razreda do 150 lit,rasvjete ,TV-a,električnih alata do 800W,radia. Uz primjerenu kontrolu potrošnje za druge uređaje osim frižidera. Pogodan je za vikendice i kampere sa stalnim boravkom.Sustav radi na 220V. Struja punjenja max 30A,
Prosječna mjesečna proizvodnja energije od 36KWh za područje kontinentalne Hrvatske za mediteranski dio do 52 KWh.

Komplet sadrži slijedeće komponente
Solarni fotonaponski panel 100W/12V Schott 4 kom
Regulator punjenja MPPT 40A LCD pokazivač 1 kom
Akumulator solarni 230Ah/12V 1 kom
Pretvarač napona 12/220V 800/1600W 1 kom
Proljetna Akcija Sniženje 12% na cijenu sustava Nova cijena 17.600,00 kn mpc

Cijena sustava bila je 20,000,00 kn mpc Usluga montaže 2.500,00 kn mpc

Opcija dodatnog akumulatora 230Ah /12V MIDAC 2.895,00 kn mpc

Utrošak materijala,kablovi,osigurači kanalice i potrošni materijal nisu uračunati u cijenu montaže. Putni troškovi i transport opreme 2,00kn/km.Autocesta i troškovi trajekta ili broda nisu uključeni u cijenu. Cijene su izražene u kunama.Pridržavamo pravo promjene cijena bez najave.
Oprema može biti različitih proizvođača ovisno o raspoloživosti na skladištu .
Avans za opremu u iznosu 80% od cijelokupnog iznosa.

Fotonaponski Otočni sustav 600W/220V

Prosječna godišnja proizvodnja energije od 622 - 794 KWh

Zelena energija za vašu vikendicu,za sav potreban komfor sa mogučnošću proširenja i bez HEP-ovog priključka.Šest snažnih Schott fotonaponskih panela
proizvodi dovoljno energije za pokretanje vašeg frižidera A ,A+ energetskog razreda, kompjutera, električnih alata, stereo sustava, rasvjete i tv-a. Čista sinusna snaga pretvarača 1 / 2,5KW srce je vašeg solarnog sustava.
Solarni sustav je projektiran za stalni boravak uz korištenje frižidera A+ili A++ energestkog razreda 150 lit ili ledenicaA+klasa do 200W potrošnje, hidropaka ili potopne pumpe snage do 1300W, TV-a, rasvjete sa štednim žaruljama, električni alati, radio, mješalica za beton snage do 700W i manji kućanski aparati. Montažni set za panele uključena u cijenu.
Prosječna mjesečna proizvodnja energije od 50 KWh za područje kontinentalne Hrvatske za mediteranski dio do 80 KWh.

Komplet sadrži slijedeće komponente
Solarni fotonaponski panel 100W/12V Schott 6 kom
Regulator punjenja MPPT 700W LCD pokazivač 1 kom
Akumulator solarni 266Ah/12V 2 kom
Pretvarač napona 12/220V 800/1600W 1 kom

Cijena sustava 28.000,00 kn mpc Usluga montaže 3.000,00 kn mpc

Utrošak materijala,kablovi,osigurači kanalice i potrošni materijal nisu uračunati u cijenu montaže. Putni troškovi i transport opreme 2,00kn/km.Autocesta i troškovi trajekta ili broda nisu uključeni u cijenu. Cijene su izražene u kunama.Pridržavamo pravo promjene cijena bez najave.
Oprema može biti različitih proizvođača ovisno o raspoloživosti na skladištu .
Avans za opremu u iznosu 80% od cijelokupnog iznosa.

Analiza isplativosti za solarni krov snage 10-30

Isplativost investicije na prodaji struje iz obnovljivih izvora energije.

Mrežno vezani solarni fotonaponski sustav namijenjen za prodaju struje po povlaštenoj otkupnoj cijeni.U nekoliko primjera napraviti ćemo analizu opravdanosti izgradnje i isplativosti sustava od 10KW i 30KW u različitim područjima Hrvatske. Ponuda za ovaj sustav kreće se u rasponu od 4-4,5 EUR-a VPC po Wattu instalirane snage po sustavu ključ u ruke sa ishođenjem potrebnih dozvola i ugovora te izradom projektne dokumentacije.Instalirani sustav od 10KW košta 40-45,000 EUR-a VPC prema izračunu za proizvodnju električne energije otkupna cijena za male elektrane do 10KW iznosi 3,66 kn/ Kwh.

Procjena proizvodnje električne energije za SPLIT sa sustavom 10 KW

Ukupna godišnja proizvodnja (kWh) 13717

Procjena proizvodnje električne energije za ZAGREB sa sustavom 10 KW

Ukupna godišnja proizvodnja (kWh) 10366

Procjena proizvodnje električne energije za RIJEKU sa sustavom 10 KW

Ukupna godišnja proizvodnja (kWh) 11427

Više informacija i gotovih izračuna možete naći na :


Solarna elektrana

Budućnost i sadašnjost pripada prirodnim obnovljivim izvorima energije Struja iz prirode, struja iz sunca, najveći izvor energije dostupan čovječanstvu. Fotonaponske elektrane su ključna tehnologija na putu samoodrživosti i komercijalno profitabilnog izvora energije. Solarni parkovi imaju visoki povrat investicije što se vidi sa brojem kompanija uvrštenih na burzovne indekse. Za investitora korištenje efikasnih modula koji generiraju čistu energiju predstavlja atraktivnu i vrijednu investiciju u budućnosti, dvostrano, ekološki i ekonomski.

Evo što o solarnim sustavima kaže i sam Zdravko Vugrinec ing elek. Project Manager i Direktor tvrtke.

Solarni parkovi ili fotonaponske elektrane mogu biti tzv Free standing ili samostojeće na otvorenim prostorima, ravnim ili kosim površinama sa fiksnim kutem ili sa praćenjem sunca tzv trackeri. Sa razvojem tehnologije proizvodnje fotonaponskih panela u thin film tehnici ili mikroamorf, postiže se velika ušteda pri gradnji velikih elektrana, jedina mana je zahtjev za povećanjem zemljišta jer su paneli izrađeni u ovoj tehnici gabaritno veći.

Nama bliže finacijski i komercijalno isplative su elektrane do 30KW. Mini elektrane koje se mogu integrirati u kose krovove ili ravne krovove na postojeći pokrov. Nova tehnologija montaže istok-zapad postiže odlične rezultate na ravnim krovovima sa maksimalnim iskorištenjem površine jer nema zasjenjenja redova. Nova tehnologija montaže implementirana od strane Njemačkog partnera tvtke Schuco prvi puta je prikazana na ovogodišnjem sajmu Intersolar 2010 u Munchenu za što je bio iskazan velik interes za poslovne i druge objekte sa ravnim krovom.

Gradnjom ovakve mini elektrane stvarate nekoliko pozitivnih učinaka. Proizvodite zelenu energiju, smanjujete proizvodnju CO2 i stvarate zaradu,svaka elektrana ima povrat ulaganja i zaradu ukoliko sklopite ugovor o otkupu električne energije i dobijete dozvolu povlaštenog proizvođača. Na žalost kako svugdje nema mora tako i sunce daje različite količine energije diljem lijepe naše.

Ne zaboravite da je ugovor o otkupu struje garantiran od strane države na 12 godina nakon toga vam ostaje zarada i vlastita elektrana koja uz minimalno održavanje i produžene jamstvene rokove može raditi daljnjih 10 do 15 godina. Možda će vam administrativna procedura izgledati komplicirana, no zakonom je propisana i odobrena, stoga je treba poštivati, kako smo uspješno odradili projekat elektrane od 0,5MW i dobili Energetsko odobrenje te će uskoro biti završeni glavni i izvedbeni projekt, očekujemo vrlo brzo ishođenje građevinske dozvole s obzirom na urednu dokumentaciju te vrlo skori početak gradnje.

Pišem ovo zbog toga da vas ne obeshrabri hodogram ishođenja dozvola, zahtjeva dosta truda ali se može napraviti. S obzirom da smo uspješno prošli pionirske korake, ukoliko vam je potrebno projektirati i ishoditi sve dozvole oko elektrane uvijek smo na raspolaganju.

Zdravko Vugrinec ing elek.

Struja iz prirode d.o.o. i detaljno Vas informirati o postignutim uspjesima Zdravka Vugrinca i njegove ekipe.U slučaju da trebate bilo kakve stručne informacije slobodno


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e-mail: info@strujaizprirode.com

Više informacija i upita o HCOIE nađite na :




Monday, May 23, 2011

Intervju s Željkom Serdarom , predsjednikom HRVATSKOG CENTRA OBNOVLJIVIH IZVORA ENERGIJE

Str. 62-63

Intervju s Željkom Serdarom ,

10 Simple Tips to Going Green in Your Home


10 Simple Tips to Going Green in Your Home

We all know that being environmentally conscious is important. From changing your bulbs to using a natural shower curtain, here are 10 absolutely simple tips to go green in your home, starting now. Oftentimes, it will save you money, and even improve your health.More info at http://solarserdar.blogspot.com.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

CCRES - Changing Energy Wasting Habits Costs Nothing


Simple Ways to Save Energy and Help Others Do the Same

CCRES - Changing Energy Wasting Habits Costs Nothing

Here are some ideas on how you can save energy at home without spending a dime. These conservation ideas merely require a bit of thought and a slight touch of the hand. The hard part is getting rid of energy-expensive habits and teaching yourself the new ones. But with a little effort the new habits will soon be second nature. The simple guidelines to follow are: turn it off, close it, and set it lower…so, here are 5 ideas:

Turn off the lights when leaving a room. Turning off just one 60-watt incandescent bulb can save about $15 per year. (Of course, replacing your incandescent bulbs with CFLs or LEDs will cut your lighting electric bill by up to 85%!)
While brushing your teeth, stop running the water. Although running water does not use energy per se, heating the water does so avoid wasting hot water in particular.
Turn off power strips or unplug appliances - especially when leaving for vacation. Most appliances when plugged in still draw power when turned off - this is called phantom power. So, stop the ghosts from costing you money when you're away!
Close the blinds to block direct sunlight in the summer and keep the cold out during winter nights. These measures help to stabilize the temperature indoors and reduce the burden on your home heating and cooling systems, which typically use about 50% of the energy in your home.
Turn down the temperature control thermostat on your water heater to 120 degrees F. For each 10 degrees F reduction in water temperature, you can save about 3-5% in home energy costs. Although most water heater thermostats are set at 140 degrees F, most households have plenty of hot water when set to 120. Reducing your water termperature can also extend the life of your water heater and pipes by slowing mineral buildup and corrosion.

Learn More by Reading Up

Knowledge is power they say. In this case, knowledge will help you save power! CCRES provides you with the essential facts and advice on how to lower your energy bills - a one-stop-shop for learning and taking action to save energy at home. There is also a wealth of detailed information and perspectives on energy & the environment, climate change, and home improvement presented at our sites. We have put together a virtual library of sorts as an introduction to what’s out there.

Spread the Word and Share the Savings!

How many people do you know? How many of them would be excited to save some money on their home utility bills? Send them a note through the link below and we'll do the rest of the work in helping them learn what they can do to save! There is no hitch, and we will only send them a link to our website, nothing more. We beleive that making a difference in World energy use starts at the local level and are happy to include anyone in your community.
More info at http://solarserdar.blogspot.com.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The turbines not only produce power, they produce wakes


Wind Turbines: In the Wake of the Wind

ScienceDaily - On the Front Range within the Rocky Mountains, prevailing winds sweep eastward over the mountains smack into the National Wind Technology Center. Several wind turbines, some taller than a 40-story building, spin and hum at the site, just outside of Boulder, Colo., waiting for an experiment to start in the next month.

The turbines not only produce power, they produce wakes -- similar to what forms in bodies of water -- that are invisible ripples and waves and other disturbances in the atmosphere downstream that can damage turbines and decrease efficiency. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory researchers and collaborators will launch a study of those wakes this month, with an eye toward improving the efficiency of wind farms.
The scientists also will collect valuable data that will help validate the wind flow models developed at Livermore and other laboratories and universities.
"This study is part of a larger suite of observational and model development efforts under way at LLNL to help attain aggressive state and national targets for renewable energy deployment," said Jeff Mirocha of LLNL. "This field campaign dovetails with ongoing observational studies at our Site 300 that are focused on understanding the complex wind patterns occurring in hilly, coastally influenced locations, which is similar to much of California's wind resource."
Livermore is working with the University of Colorado, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).
The Laboratory also has been working on numerical weather prediction models to predict power generated by the wind, so that wind farms can operate more efficiently while providing more power to the nation's hungry power grids. Predictive time frames range from an hour ahead to days ahead of time.
The new project entails experiments that will help make a detailed study of wakes created by wind turbines. Those profiles could help turbine and wind farm developers improve layout and design. "The wakes can damage turbines and affect turbine efficiency," said Julie Lundquist, a University of Colorado assistant professor who helped develop the models while at LLNL.
The study is aimed at an improved understanding and characterization of inflow conditions on turbines in complex terrain that would help engineers better understand, model, and design for turbine loading, turbine performance and power plant performance. The goal is to integrate advanced observational capabilities with innovative approaches to atmospheric simulation.
Researchers will collect meteorological data for validation of turbine wake models in a range of atmospheric stability conditions, including wind speed, wind direction and streamwise variance profiles.
Bob Banta, atmospheric scientist with NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory, has spent the last several years using a sophisticated instrument -- a high-resolution, scanning dopplar lidar -- to make three-dimensional portraits of wind speeds and directions in the atmosphere. For the wind technology site project, the research team aims to capture turbulence and other wake effects in a broad wedge of air up to 7 km (4.3 miles) long and 1 km (3,280 feet) high.
The team will use the scanning lidar to make a detailed look at the atmosphere in front of and behind one of the large turbines on the NREL site: a 2.3-megawatt tower that stretches 100 m (328 ft) high to the central hub and 145 m (492 feet) to the top of a blade.
The researchers hope to capture the effects of ramp up and ramp down events, when winds suddenly gust high or die down, and they will gather data on what happens downstream when winds shift direction quickly.
"This generation of wind turbines is stretching up into a complicated part of the atmosphere," Lundquist said. "If we can understand how gusts and rapid changes in wind direction affect turbine operations and how turbine wakes behave, we can improve design standards, increase efficiency, and reduce the cost of energy,"
According to the American Wind Energy Associations, wind energy made up 2.3 percent of U.S. electricity by the end of 2010, up from 1.8 percent a year ago. Researchers have argued that to attain the Department of Energy goal of "20 percent by 2030," the turbulent lower atmosphere -- and its effects on turbines and turbine arrays -- must be better understood.
Members of the Turbine Wake and Inflow Case study include: Banta and Yelena Pichugina of NOAA; Lundquist of the University of Colorado at Boulder and NREL's National Wind Technology Center; Jeff Mirocha of LLNL; Matthew Aitken, Michael Rhodes, Brian Vanderwende, Robert Marshall, University of Colorado at Boulder graduate students; and Neil Kelley and Andrew Clifton of NREL's National Wind Technology Center.
More info at http://solarserdar.blogspot.com.