Tuesday, April 21, 2020

5G While You Were Sleeping

Here's a photo that I took myself. Zeljko Serdar

Što su pojmovi 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi, 60 GHz i  5 GHz WiFi. WiFi u osnovi, je objekt koji omogućuje računalima, pametnim telefonima i drugim uređajima da se povežu s internetom ili međusobno komuniciraju bežično, unutar određenog područja. To je tehnologija koja se koristi već duže vrijeme i ako sve ostale stvari u tehnologijama, i ona je vremenom napredovala.

Here's a photo that I took myself. Zeljko Serdar

IEEE 802.11 standardi postavljaju određene atribute za različite kanale koji se mogu koristiti u bežičnoj mreži. Ranije verzije kao što je 801.11b podržavaju frekvencijski pojas od 5GHz. Također 802.11b i 802.11g podržavaju samo radiofrekvencijski pojas od 2,4 GHz. Osim njih postoji i 802.11n standard koji također nudi 5 GHz frekvencijsko područje.

Time dolazimo do termina – dvostruki pojas (dual-band). Naravno, s različitim radio frekvnecijskim pojasima i modulima koji ih podržavaju, postavlja se pitanje u vezi njihovih razlika i koji je standard bolji.

Here's a photo that I took myself. Zeljko Serdar

Frekvencijski pojas od 2,4 GHz je prilično zgužvan, jer ga koriste mnogi uređaji, poput starih bežičnih telefona, garažna vrata, monitor za bebe, kao i mnogi drugi uređaji, koji imaju tendenciju da koriste frekvenciju od 2,4 GHz. Dulji valovi koji se koriste u frekvencijskom pojasu od 2,4 GHz bolje su prilagođeni duljim rasponima i prijenosu kroz zidove ili čvrste objekte.

Zato je bolje ako vam je potreban duži domet na vašim uređajima ili imate puno zidova ili drugih objekata na područjima gdje trebate imati dobru WIFI pokrivenost. Međutim, s druge strane, budući da mnogi drugi uređaji upotrebljavaju frekvencijski pojas od 2,4 GHz, nastala zagušenja mogu uzrokovati gubitak veze i brzine sporije od očekivanog.

Here's a photo that I took myself. Zeljko Serdar

Brzina od 5 GHz je znatno manje zagušena, što znači da ćete vjerojatno dobiti stabilnije veze. Vidjet ćete i veće brzine. S druge strane, kraći valovi, koje koriste 5GHz ruteri čine ga manje sposobnim u okruženju zidova i čvrstih objekata. Također ima kraći domet od rutera sa 2,4GHz.

Valja napomenuti da 5GHz ruteri pružaju veču brzinu prijenosa u usporedbi s frekvencijom od 2,4 GHz. I uz to, 5GHz pojas uključuje mnogo veći broj kanala, 23 da budemo specifični, dok 2.4GHz ima samo 3 kanala. Međutim 2.4GHz ruteri obično imaju veći domet i lakše prolaze kroz zidove.  U idealnim uvjetima, 2,4 GHz Wi-Fi podržava do 450 Mbps ili 600 Mbps, ovisno o klasi rutera, dok 5 GHz Wi-Fi podržava do 1300 Mbps.

Here's a photo that I took myself. Zeljko Serdar

Za Wi-Fi-N, dva pojasa istodobno rade simultano za uređaje povezane na mrežu. Wi-Fi 5GHz bend podržava samo Wi-Fi-AC i ima širinu pojasa do 42Mhz, a također sadrži veću širinu kanala od 80MHz i 160MHz koji omogućuju veće brzine.

Druga stvar koju je važno napomenuti je  Wi-Fi raspon (pokrivenost), pogotovo ako ste jedan od onih koji najviše mrze slab Wi-Fi signal. Evo što biste trebali znati. Kad god govorimo o rasponu u smislu Wi-Fi-ja, zapravo mislimo na udaljenost koju pokrivaju valovi koji se prenose od antene do prijemnog uređaja.

Here's a photo that I took myself. Zeljko Serdar

Kao što smo spomenuli 5GHz ruteri nude veću brzinu od 2,4 GHz, ali uz nedostatak manjeg dometa, i činjenicu da radio valovi s većom frekvencijom teže prolaze kroz guste prepreke poput zidova i ostalih sličnih objekata. Ako uzmemo primjer dometa Wifi rutera u zatvorenom prostoru, doseg Wi-Fi-G rutera bi prosječno iznosio oko 70m, dok za Wi-Fi-AC router to bi bilo oko 35m.

Tu je i Wi-Fi-AD 60GHz (IEEE 802.11ad) ili WiGig, ovaj se pojas također koristi u Wi-Fi mrežama. Može omogućiti brzinu prijenosa podataka do 8Gbps, a raspon u zatvorenom prostoru je u prosjeku oko 60m.

Here's a photo that I took myself. Zeljko Serdar

Važno je napomenuti da veće radio frekvencije poput 5GHz i 60GHz donose više prednosti. Jedna od važnih prednosti je smanjena interferencija sa drugim mrežama u istom području. Na primjer, Bluetooth tehnologija koju koristimo, kao i “walkie-talkie”, rade na frekvencijskom pojasu od 2,4 GHz.

Dok današnji moderni ruteri dolaze sa upakiranim mogučnostima svih ovih frekvencijskih raspona kako kako bi se postigla  Gigabitna brzina, sa što manje kompromisa u dosegu i rasponu. Jedan od primjera takvog rutera je predstavljen i na ovogodišnjem CES-u, a to je Linksys WRT32X. Radi kao dual band na 2.4GHz i 5 GHZ, za veći domet i smanjenu interferenciju.

Next-Generation Outdoor Wireless Access Points: Cisco Aironet 1572EAC, 1572IC, and 1572EC

●  Most advanced carrier-grade outdoor Wi-Fi AP
●  802.11ac dual-band (2.4 and 5 GHz) radios
●  Maximum radiated RF power allowed by law
●  Industry’s only 4x4, 3-spatial-stream outdoor AP
●  1.3 Gbps (5 GHz) WLAN RF data rates
●  Cisco Flexible Antenna Port technology
●  Uplink: Fiber/SFP, GE, Cable Modem
●  DOCSIS3.0 with 24x8 channel bonding
●  Power: AC, DC, Cable, UPOE, PoE-Out (802.3at)
●  4G LTE coexistence
●  Module option: Investment protection and future proofing
●  Low visual profile design
●  Controller-based or standalone operation
●  Cisco Aironet 1572EAC
◦   External antenna with AC-power model
●  Cisco Aironet 1572IC
◦   Internal antennas with cable modem model
●  Cisco Aironet 1572EC
◦   External antenna with cable modem model

Highest-performing outdoor wireless AP

The Cisco Aironet 1570 Series outdoor access point is ideal for both enterprise and carrier-class network operators looking to extend Wi-Fi coverage outdoors. It’s the industry’s highest-performing outdoor AP and supports the latest Wi-Fi standard, 802.11ac, with data connection speeds up to 1.3 Gbps. This industrial-grade AP supports 4x4 Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output (MIMO) smart antenna technology and three spatial streams for optimum performance.

The Aironet 1570 provides higher throughput over a larger area with more pervasive coverage. The AP is also well suited to high-density environments w here many users in close proximity generate RF interference that needs to be managed. Examples of environments that can benefit from the Aironet 1570 Series:

●     Outdoor enterprise campuses

●     Outdoor university and school campuses

●     Public venues: stadiums, train stations, airports

●     Service provider networks: Wi-Fi offload for mobile, fixed-line, and cable operators

●     Mining operations

●     Manufacturing yards

●     Municipalities

●     Large metropolitan areas

Features and benefits

The Cisco Aironet 1570 Series meets the demanding needs of customers across a broad range of industries spanning enterprises and service providers. It offers a scalable and secure mesh architecture for high-performance Wi-Fi services. It also addresses the expanding demand for Wi-Fi access services, network-to-network mobility, video surveillance, and cellular data offload to Wi-Fi.

The Cisco 1570 builds and expands on the successful 1550 series legacy of being the Wi-Fi outdoor AP of choice by service providers needing carrier-grade, ruggedized devices that are easy to deploy and maintain.

Cisco Aironet 1560 Series

Ideal for applications requiring rugged outdoor Wi-Fi coverage, the Cisco Aironet 1560 Series Access Points offer the latest IEEE 802.11ac Wave 2 radio standard in a compact, aesthetically pleasing, easy-to-deploy package. The 1560 Series offers flexible deployment options for service providers and enterprise networks, that need the fastest links possible for mobile, outdoor clients (smartphones, tablets, and laptops) and wireless backhaul. With options for internal or external antennas, the 1560 Series Access Points give network operators the flexibility to balance their desired wireless coverage with their need for easy deployment. The Cisco Aironet 1560 Series is built on the strong base of Cisco® wireless innovations such as:
●     Cisco CleanAir® technology for spectrum intelligence
●     Cisco ClientLink technology for beamforming
●     Radio Resource Management (RRM) for dynamic transmitter channel and power control
Whether deployed as a traditional access point or wireless mesh access point, the Cisco Aironet 1560 Series provides the throughput capacity needed for today’s bandwidth-hungry devices.

The Cisco Aironet 1560 Series offers the following features:

●     Improved performance for multiple client devices: The 802.11ac Wave 2 access points use MU-MIMO technology, which allows different data streams to all flow at once from the access point to multiple 802.11ac Wave 2-supported devices. Now, multiple 802.11ac Wave 2 devices can connect at the same time, getting the information they need quicker.

●     5-GHz support: The Cisco Aironet 1560 Series doubles the scale of 5 -GHz mobile devices and raises the performance of high-density environments.

●     4G LTE Coexistence: The Cisco Aironet 1560 Series includes robust filtering around the 2.4 GHz unlicensed band to block out nearby licensed 4G LTE cellular signals.

●     Cisco Flexible Antenna Port technology uses software configurable for either single- or dual-band antennas. It allows you to use the same antenna ports for either dual-band antennas to reduce footprint or single-band antennas to optimize radio coverage.

●     Cisco Mobility Express: This solution is designed to bring enterprise-class wireless access to small and medium-sized networks. Easy to set up with low maintenance, Mobility Express includes advanced features from Cisco and does not require a physical controller appliance.

●     Cisco High Density Experience (HDX): Cisco HDX comes standard on the 1560, giving this access point top-of-the-line network efficiency over a large number of wireless clients. HDX uses customized chipsets to target the needs of high-density networks. It is built with best-in-class RF architecture and gives a better user experience for high-performance applications.

The Cisco Aironet 1540 Series is ideal for applications requiring rugged outdoor Wi-Fi coverage and supports the latest 802.11ac Wave 2 radio standard. Housed in a compact, aesthetically pleasing, easy-to-deploy package, the 1540 Series offers flexible deployment options for service providers and enterprise networks that need the fastest links possible for mobile outdoor clients (smartphones, tablets, and laptops) and wireless backhaul. The 1540 Series access points give network operators the flexibility to balance their desired wireless coverage with their need for easy deployment.

Whether deployed as a traditional access point or a wireless mesh access point, the 1540 Series provides the throughput capacity needed for today’s bandwidth-hungry devices.

Features and benefits

By adhering to the 802.11ac Wave 2 standard, the 1540 Series provides a data rate of up to 867 Mbps on the 5-GHz radio. This exceeds the data rates offered by access points that support the 802.11n standard. It also enables a total aggregate dual-radio data rate of up to 1.1 Gbps. This provides the necessary foundation for enterprise and service provider networks to stay ahead of the performance expectations and needs of their wireless users.

In recent years corporate users have increasingly preferred wireless access as the form of network connectivity due to its convenience. With this shift, there is an expectation that wireless should not slow down users’ day-to-day work, but should enable a high-performance experience. The 1540 Series delivers this performance with highly secure and reliable wireless connections for mobile end users.


  1. Kada sam pisao o ovome početkom godine, mnogi od Vas mi nisu vjerovali....Prvu 5G testnu baznu postaju u Hrvatskoj HT je implementirao je još u ožujku 2019. godine, a do danas je implementirano 20 pilot baznih postaja na području Samobora, Zagreba, otoka Krka i Osijeka. https://lider.media/poslovna-scena/hrvatska/novi-zagreb-pokriven-5g-singalom-132392?fbclid=IwAR0QPj4MgdVjdnzggpG5H5OLFzxNlc02gMeJYzIyU2tI1MQpwdb0y1EpST8

  2. U ovom trenutku 5G mreža dostupna je na područjima Zagreba, Rijeke, Splita, Osijeka, Samobora i Svete Nedelje. https://www.vecernji.hr/techsci/5g-mreza-od-danas-je-dostupna-u-zagrebu-rijeci-splitu-osijeku-samoboru-i-svetoj-nedelji-1442091
