Tuesday, November 26, 2024

A view from Croatia on the topic of DEI.


A growing list of major corporations to halt the so-called "woke" initiatives. Walmart joins Ford, John Deere, Toyota, and other major companies in ditching controversial diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives.
Walmart is now working to remove sexual and transgender products inappropriately marketed toward children and reviewing grants to Pride events to avoid funding sexualized content targeting kids. Walmart also joined an array of companies in recent months – including Ford, Molson Coors, Lowe's, John Deere, Harley-Davidson, and Tractor Supply – to end participation in the Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index, which is an annual survey and report used to gauge "policies, practices, and benefits pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) employees."
Nice one, and for the future - don't insult your core customers again. People have seen with their own eyes that DEI was and is a SCAM...They have seen people put in positions of CRITICAL LEADERSHIP, not based on qualifications but rather skin color, which is against the VERY PRINCIPLE.
These DEI decisions have cost companies billions, and people MASSIVE division! It's a recipe for disaster, just look at the BIDEN Cabinet, NOT ONE was hired on qualifications, but they are "diverte", SO WHAT, look at where it has taken the country and economy, not to mention standing on the world stage...The damage done will take years to correct...

Monday, November 11, 2024

If this is true, it is FANTASTIC!


This is Awesome. I have so much respect for both Joel Salatin and Thomas Massie. The Lunatic Farmer is now working for the government and that's pretty awesome.

 The deplorables and garbage people won again.  Can you believe it? 

                  I've been contacted by the Trump transition team to hold some sort of position within the USDA and have accepted one of the six "Advisor to the Secretary" spots.  My favorite congressman, Thomas Massie from Kentucky, has agreed to go in as Secretary of Agriculture.

                  He's been the sponsor of the PRIME ACT, which, if pushed through, would be the biggest shot across the bow of the entrenched industrial meat processing system we've seen in a century.  Let liberty ring.  Wouldn't that be a change of fortune for Big Ag? 

                  If RFK Jr. goes in as Sec. of Health and Human Services, everything will be inverted.  Talk about the coolest turn about.  He'd be the boss of the Faucis and Francis Collins--the whole covid anti-science crowd.  Wouldn't that be a change of fortune for Big Pharma?

                  And if Elon Musk goes in as a Government Waste Czar, do you think he could possibly find something?   

                  Here's an interesting tidbit.  All the income taxes in the U.S. are $2 trillion a year.  Government spending and borrowing are so out of control that if we eliminated $2 trillion from the budget, it would only set us back to 2020.  Does anyone think returning to government spending in 2020 would destroy things?  Of course not.  So all we have to do is cut federal spending to 2020 levels and we can eliminate income tax.  Period.  Done.  How would that make you feel?

                  Most people don't know enough history to know that the federal government was to be financed entirely from tariffs and excise taxes.  In fact, as a nation we operated just fine for nearly 150 years without an income tax.  The only president who eliminated the national debt was Andrew Jackson, and he did it by eliminating the second bank of the U.S.  Nearly 100 years later we got the third bank, known as the Federal Reserve, plus the income tax. 

                  During that time, tariffs averaged 40-50 percent.  After the income tax, tariffs dropped to an average of about 7 percent, where they remain today.  If we went back to 40 percent, like we had for nearly 150 years, we would bring production home and free our citizens from impoverishing taxes. 

                  Dear folks, this is a watershed moment to take a creative and serious look at the sacred cows in our nation and fry some serious burgers. We don't know history.  We don't know liberty.  We don't know earthworms or aquifers or immune systems.  I'm hoping this election is an opening to discovery.  Perhaps we could even figure out how to put negative occurrences like jails, pollution, and cancer on the nation's balance sheet, as a liability rather than an asset (Gross Domestic Product--more jails?  wonderful, pour more concrete and make more jobs).  

                  Perhaps we'll eliminate federal involvement in education, from kindergarten to college.  Make every teacher accountable to performance.  Eliminate ALL federal intervention in the food system, in farming, in energy.  The Constitution (read it) doesn't allow for any of this and it's time to examine all of it.  Shut down foreign military bases; bring them all home.  Stop ALL foreign aid, from USAID to military aid.  Sell stuff is fine; giving it isn't. 

                  I think whatever taxes we pay should be able to be designated to certain departments.  That way we the people could support or defund departments directly.  The reason we have K street is because all our freedoms are for sale.  Eliminate government manipulation and the lobbyists all go home.  These are simple things.  Let's do it.

                  What is your first request for the Trump/RFK Jr. agenda?

Joel Salatin

About Joel Salatin

Joel Salatin calls himself a Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist lunatic farmer. Others who like him call him the most famous farmer in the world, the high priest of the pasture, and the most eclectic thinker from Virginia since Thomas Jefferson.  Those who don’t like him call him a bio-terrorist, Typhoid Mary, charlatan, and starvation advocate.

With 12 published books and a thriving multi-generational family farm, he draws on a lifetime of food, farming, and fantasy to entertain and inspire audiences around the world.  He’s as comfortable moving cows in a pasture as addressing CEOs at a Wall Street business conference.

Often receiving standing ovations, he prefers the word performance rather than presentation to describe his lectures.  His favorite activity?–Q&A.  “I love the interaction,” he says.

He co-owns, with his family, Polyface Farm in Swoope, Virginia.  Featured in the New York Times bestseller Omnivore’s Dilemma and award-winning documentary Food Inc., the farm services more than 5,000 families, 50 restaurants, 10 retail outlets, and a farmers’ market with salad bar beef, pigaerator pork, pastured poultry, and forestry products.  When he’s not on the road speaking, he’s at home on the farm, keeping the callouses on his hands and dirt under his fingernails, mentoring young people, inspiring visitors, and promoting local, regenerative food and farming systems.

Salatin is the editor of The Stockman Grass Farmer, granddaddy catalyst for the grass farming movement.  He writes the Pitchfork Pulpit column for Mother Earth News, as well as numerous guest articles for ACRES USA and other publications.  A frequent guest on radio programs and podcasts targeting preppers, homesteaders, and foodies, Salatin’s practical, can-do solutions tied to passionate soliloquies for sustainability offer everyone food for thought and plans for action.

Friday, November 8, 2024

How to remove a dam.

Dear Spain,

Better utilization of engineering and modeling expertise in advance of the flash floods in eastern Spain over the past week could have reduced the devastation. The climate hoax can now be with the other long list of any government/UN hoaxs. 

Spain destroyed more than 256 dams between 2021 and 2022, "to restore the natural course of rivers", to comply with UN Agenda 2030.

Valencia suffered from a flood in October 1957, known as the Great Flood of Valencia, which resulted in significant damage to property and caused the deaths of 81 people. This flood was mainly caused by the overtopping of the River Turia which was then diverted in 1969 to avoid the centre of the city. During floods, most of the river water is now diverted southwards along a new route that borders the city. 

Spain, like many countries have removed dams as part of an EU directive see https://damremoval.eu/ It’s true that removing dams can sometimes lead to increased flood risks in areas downstream, particularly if those dams were originally constructed to control water flow and mitigate flooding. 

Dams allow for the irrigation of land and crops, enabling people to be self-sufficient, which goes against the Agenda 2030. But no, the flooding is a result of "climate change". All of the EU has committed to "Agenda 2030." 

But if I were the leader of any EU country and the UN asked me to destroy its dams to advance some nebulous climate agenda, I’d tell the UN to go fornicate itself with a cactus.


citizen of Croatia, citizen of Europe

PS. za moju Hrvatsku.

Prvo bi rekao da naši stari nisu bili glupi i da su znali što rade. Dobar primjer je izgradnja akvedukta koja je započela u svrhu opskrbe vodom grada Rima te trajala sljedećih 500 godina, tijekom kojih je sagrađeno ukupno 11 akvedukata. 

Puno primjera je i iz Hrvatske prošlosti, gdje se gradnjom riječnih brana i usmjeravanjem rijeka dolazilo do pitke vode i  plodnih polja. Kako pri samoj gradnji brana, tako i kod rušenje istih, neovisno o tome jesu li zaštićena područja ili ne, u prirodi se treba ponašati u skladu s nekakvim pravilima. Svaki zahvat u prirodi je i dalje zahvat, stoga je potrebno proći sve procedure, napraviti studiju utjecaja na okoliš, tehničku dokumentaciju o izvođenju radova. Monitoring se treba provoditi cijelo vrijeme nakon izvođenja radova kako bi se eko sustav stabilizirao. 

Moramo paziti na sedrene barijere, na zaštićene vrste, kao i na to da se obala prilagodi novom vodotoku. Generalno, moramo voditi računa o tome kakvog će utjecaja zahvat imati na okolinu. U sklopu takvih radova, često dođe do zamućivanja vode. Tek tad možemo dobiti neke referentne rezultate i zaključiti jesu li akcije rušenja, sada već stoljetnih brana, bile uspješne.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Cheaters tend to think everyone cheats. Liars tend to think that everyone lies.

It’s hard for people to imagine another way to see the world that they don’t have in their minds, so it’s a gear shift to realize that if other people have different tastes to me, they probably don’t see things the same way I do, therefore I cannot judge other peoples outputs by my framework.

It goes further than that it’s a phenomenon that affects All our calculations about other people. It’s the assumption that I see the world this way, and because I am a people, I, therefore, conclude that different people see the world the same way I see it.

A lot of this is that we don’t know what we don’t know and what we don’t know is how other people think; we only know how we, ourselves, think. It’s the level of narcissism that is fundamentally, at the heart of all of the pain of humanity. No one knows what another person is capable of thinking and doing and never will. Trust is a very huge issue for a lot of people, especially if they grew up with severely personality-disordered parents who were neglectful and/or abusive. In this environment, a child’s needs are never met and they almost become little con men to get what they need and want. Lying and cheating become second nature, an automatic reflex, a child’s default. 

If you are a cheater and a liar and could never trust anyone when you were growing up, how can you trust people as a grown-up? You can not. If you can’t trust yourself to live a life based on integrity and honesty, how can you trust anyone else? You can not because it is like a foreign land to you and you don’t even speak the language. It’s the same thing on the other side of the coin, too: empaths get into a lot of trouble because they assume that other people have integrity, and are honest and straightforward, too. They want to think the best about other people coming out of the gate with little to no real information about them. You can not even really know your friends until mid-life when enough challenging experiences, setbacks, and failures have accumulated for everyone.

Most folk, however, do not naturally do this kind of introspection and self-awareness-building. Once you have had this kind of gear-shift however, it’s hard to go back to just assuming you know what people’s motives are or that you can predict their responses and behaviors accurately... instead, you’re instantly and unavoidably aware of how unpredictable and unfathomable other people really can be.

It then becomes increasingly clear who the real grown-ups with integrity are who do the next right thing (which is usually the harder thing) versus those who play the blame game and look for the easy way out or remain stuck.

Varalica misli da svi varaju, lažov da svi lažu, loš da su svi loši, a dobar da su svi dobri. Svatko polazi od sebe. Toliko i hvala.