Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Europe - the first climate-neutral continent

How Europe will approach infrastructure needs, and keep up with technological developments, will determine the bloc’s resilience to extreme temperatures, droughts, and floods which are becoming more frequent with climate change. Many technologies are already available, such as advanced water management systems, smart mobility solutions, and digital twins. The question is how fast Europe will be able to roll out infrastructure that is critical for the twin digital and green transitions.

Promoting and adopting cutting-edge technologies in infrastructure is crucial to overcome the EU’s current energy crisis and achieving the bloc’s green and digital goals. Infrastructure is like the ground we stand on: we only notice it when it gives in beneath our feet.

In the EU, infrastructure has become a top political priority in recent months. From the current energy crisis and the ramifications of Russia’s aggression on Ukraine, to record temperatures making railways inoperable, and flash floods prompting calls for a coordinated EU water policy, the importance of future-proofing our infrastructure has crystalized before our eyes.

As President Von der Leyen deliver her third State of the Union address, there is a realization that the vision laid out in the Green Deal of making Europe the first climate-neutral continent—and which critically depends on the ability to execute on infrastructure—has proved challenging.

In particular, the important link between the “green” and “digital” prongs of the twin transitions is often underestimated and misunderstood.

EU member states face different challenges when it comes to going digital in infrastructure. A quick review of the 27 National Recovery and Resilience Plans reveals that the word “digitization” is used to describe many different types of projects, from the conversion of public administration filing systems into electronic formats, to ambitious plans to modernize transport and water management infrastructure.

In no other field is this dichotomy between “green” and “digital” more relevant than in relation to the REPower EU Plan, published by the European Commission in May. Announced as a comprehensive set of measures to eliminate the EU’s dependency on Russian fossil fuels and accelerate the EU’s transition toward renewable energy, it is a once-in-a-generation plan in its ambition and scope.

At the same time, however, the Commission exempted member states from the 20% minimum spend requirement on digital for the new, energy-focused chapter, which they will now add to their respective national plans.

While the current crisis explains why the Commission sought to lower implementation requirements on member states, and EU officials have been at pains to publicly encourage national efforts on digital, there is a real risk that the need to move fast will result in a missed opportunity to modernize European energy infrastructure.

Take infrastructure digital twins for a sustainable grid, for instance—a realistic, dynamic digital representation of a physical asset, process, or system that connects the physical infrastructure asset and virtual world while synchronizing work to make sense of the right data at the right time across the entire lifecycle of the asset. By enabling seamless collaboration between different engineering disciplines and exponentially better visibility on outcomes through the power of AI and machine learning, digital twins lead to better decisions—whether these relate to an electrical grid, a hydroelectric dam, or a gas pipeline in need of retrofitting.

Going one step further, if such infrastructure digital twins are based on openness, interoperability, and robust cybersecurity principles, policymakers can manage energy infrastructure from a holistic perspective to achieve key EU objectives, such as energy security, resilience, and diversification. Digital technologies will enable the implementation of an “energy efficiency first” principle across all sectors of the economy.

This “ecosystem” approach to energy is key to the EU’s future. It is the difference between looking at static assets in isolation, removed from their context and surroundings, and looking at energy needs and outcomes collectively. It is through digital that the EU will move beyond discussing the energy needs of individual member states and execute on policies where the entire EU acts swiftly as one.

It is, therefore, vital that both the execution of REPower EU by member states and other EU initiatives, such as the Action Plan on the Digitalization of the Energy Sector, promote the adoption of cutting-edge technologies such as digital twins. Infrastructure technology has advanced since the days of CAD [CAD: Computer Aided Design] and BIM [BIM: Building Information Modelling] — and it is important that EU policy advances along with it.

The EU is a worldwide leader when it comes to ambition and long-term vision on infrastructure. And it is in infrastructure—the often-invisible things that make our society and economy run—that the biggest and most immediate welfare benefits from digital will be felt.

Now is the time to accelerate toward next-generation EU infrastructure. Going digital will help propel the EU out of this crisis in its truest form: open, resilient and, above all, united.

1 comment:

  1. Ministri financija država članica EU-a postigli su u utorak u Luxembourgu dogovor o zajedničkom stajalištu o prijedlogu plana REPowerEU za uklanjanje ovisnosti o ruskim fosilnim gorivima.

    Na temelju zajedničkog stajališta Vijeće EU-a kreće u pregovore s Europskim parlamentom o konačnom tekstu prijedloga.

    Europska komisija je 18. svibnja predstavila plan “REPowerEU”, kao odgovor na poteškoće i poremećaje koje je ruska invazija na Ukrajinu izazvala na globalnom energetskom tržištu. Taj plan predviđa prestanak ovisnosti o ruskim energentima do 2027. godine.

    Za Hrvatsku je osobito važno to što plan predviđa da Janaf postane strateški europski naftovod te proširenje kapaciteta terminala za ukapljeni plin na Krku, čime bi mogla postati energetsko čvorište za srednju Europu.

    Svrha prijedloga je uključiti ciljeve iz ovoga plana u nacionalne planove za oporavak i otpornosti koji su temelj za povlačenje sredstava iz Europskog mehanizma za oporavak.

    Osim sredstava iz nacionalnih planova za oporavak i otpornost, Komisija je predložila dodatnih 20 milijardi eura bespovratnih sredstava, koja bi se dobila putem aukcija u okviru sustava trgovanja emisijama (ETS).

    U dogovorenom stajalištu ministri su odredili drugačiji izvor financiranja. Tako bi se 75 posto financiralo iz fonda za inovacije, a 25 posto kroz ranu prodaju ETS dozvola.

    Hrvatski ministar Marko Primorac rekao je da je donesena odluka o ključu raspodjele sredstava iz REPowerEU, prema kojem bi Hrvatska dobila dodatnih 270 milijuna eura.

    Komisija je predlagala da sve države članice moraju dopuniti svoje nacionalne planove oporavka poglavljem o REPowerEU, međutim prema dogovorenom stajalištu Vijeća to bi trebalo biti obvezno samo u određenim slučajevima, uključujući ako žele dodatna sredstva u obliku zajmova iz mehanizma za oporavak.
