Objavljen memorandum s dokazima koji teško inkriminiraju bliske suradnike dr. Faucija.
U Sjedinjenim Državama jučer je kongresni Committe on Oversight and Accountability objavio priopćenje za medije s dramatično teškim optužbama na račun jednog od najbližih suradnika dr. Anthonyja Faucija, a u kojem upozoravaju na važnost vlastitog memoranduma pod naslovom "Allegations of Wrongdoing and Illegal Activity by Dr. David Morens, Senior Advisor to National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases former-Director, Dr. Anthony Fauci" (Optužbe o zlouporabi i nezakonitim radnjama dr. Davida Morensa, višeg savjetnika Nacionalnog instituta za alergije i zarazne bolesti, bivšeg ravnatelja, dr. Anthonyja Faucija).
Dokumenti koje je objavio kongresni Committe on Oversight and Accountability, ključni i najvažniji istražni komitet Zastupničkog doma, a njihovi zaključci su doista spektakularni te dovode dr. Faucija u jako neugodnu situaciju.
To je drugi strahoviti udar na ionako nagriženu reputaciju američkog epidemiološkog cara Faucija u razmaku od samo nekoliko dana, koji je tijekom pandemije propagirao strogu epidemiološku politiku, ali i s gađenjem poricao svoje direktne ili indirektne veze s etički problematičnim istraživanjem opasnih virusa u kineskim laboratorijima.
Prije samo nekoliko dana, naime, već je snažno odjeknulo suspendiranje financiranja američke neprofitne organizacije EcoHealth dr. Petera Diszeka, bliskog Faucijiu, koji je dobivao milijune dolara jer "nije uspio adekvatno nadzirati i izvješćivati o rizičnim eksperimentima s virusima na Institutu za virologiju Wuhan, kršeći uvjete savezne potpore i zahtjeve za biosigurnošću".
UPDATE: Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in a letter on Monday that the Biden-Harris administration repeatedly pressured his company — which includes Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp, and more — to censor content that is protected free speech. This is how they operate. very corrupt, coercive and intimidating.
ReplyDeleteUPDATE - Propjevao Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Ovo je kao da gledam dojučerašnje komuniste u Hrvatskoj početkom 90tih, svi odjednom postadoše vjernici i Hrvati. Zuckerberg told podcaster Joe Rogan that members of President Biden's administration yelled at his employees, demanding they take down content on their behalf. "During the Biden administration, when they were trying to roll out the vaccine program," the social media CEO said, "while they were trying to push that program they also tried to censor anyone who is basically arguing against it. And they pushed us super hard to take down things that were honestly, were true. They basically pushed us and said, you know, that ‘anything saying that says vaccines might have side effects, you basically need to take down.’ And I was just like ‘We’re not going to do that, we’re clearly not going to do that, I mean that is kind of inarguably true." "Who is ‘they’?" Rogan asked. "Who was telling you to take down things that talk about vaccine side effects?"
ReplyDelete"It was people in the Biden administration," the Meta CEO said.
He then spoke further about the "government censorship," much of which he says has been covered by the congressional investigation, where he said, "I mean basically these people from the Biden administration would call up our team and like scream at them and curse, and it's like… these documents are, it's all kind of out there."
Zuckerberg summarized that the conflict between his company and the government "basically got to this point where we were like, ‘No, we're not going to, we're not going to take down things that are true.' That's ridiculous." Ponovit ću, kao da gledam komuniste u Hrvatskoj početkom 90tih, svi odjednom postadoše vjernici i Hrvati. Toliko i hvala na ovu temu.