Thursday, June 29, 2023

Ontological Shock


I’ve been closely following the news rollercoaster, and it became clear to me that much of what I knew and understood as reality was, in fact, a charade. Free speech was a myth. Freedom of movement was no longer a fundamental right when it came down to it - governments swiftly and without a second thought imposed unprecedented restrictions on the movement of travel under the guise of “safety”.

If you put your head above the parapet to object or to merely raise concerns (hey, we’re not sure the so-called “vaccine” is a vaccine; maybe your clinical trials were a wee bit skewed; let’s proceed with caution), they shot at you. Metaphorically, so far, thank goodness. But shoot they did. Gaslighting, hit pieces, character assassination, psyops, fifth-generation warfare, lies compounding lies, propaganda twisting so much of our reality that friends and relationships were destroyed because those of us in this fight (and fight it is, make no mistake) didn’t agree with the government and “science” as embodied by Fauci. So effective was this propaganda campaign that family and friends couldn’t comprehend why we saw the world differently. We were labeled, exiled, and attacked. It continues. This is reality.

So when a Twitter post came up in my feed about UFOs a few weeks ago, I wondered “What if the reality that I’ve believed up till now about UFOs is made up of the same type of myths, lies, propaganda, and spin I’ve seen at work with COVID?”. Are government three letter agencies acting in our best interests or theirs? Is the bureaucratic machine made up of life-long technocrats in government institutions, including the military and intelligence agencies, working in a transparent, accountable, and legal manner, or do they have their agenda and we’re to remain oblivious to their actions? The stigma and ridicule leveled at anyone talking about UFOs is too similar to what I’ve seen in the last few years with Covid. Something doesn’t add up.

Lo’ and behold, ask and ye shall receive. In less than 3 weeks, several significant events have occurred that made me sit up and throw out any prior opinions I had, and re-evaluate everything I’ve ever thought about UFOs.

I must admit that any favorable mention of the flying saucers by a scientist amounts to extreme heresy and places the one making the statement in danger of ex-communication by the scientific theocracy. Nevertheless, in recent years I have investigated the story of the unidentified flying object (UFO), and I am no longer able to dismiss the idea lightly.

Ontological Shock is definitely what happens to you when your entire worldview is turned on its head. The term “ontological shock” has been thrown around on recent podcasts and in articles on UFOs, now called UAPs (unidentified anomalous phenomena, supposedly to remove the stigma). My concern is that people are not going to be able to process what they are hearing. It’s just too much, and they need time to adjust.

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