Saturday, November 7, 2020

Energy Saving Tool

Energy Saving Tools is a web page that includes a set of tools for introducing energy saving actions in our daily life. It is possible to receive tips for energy efficiency in the field of building performances, electrical appliances, use of renewables and mobility.


In particular, for improving the energy performance of the building, the tool requests a set of basic information, in order to understand the current situation:

  • Year of construction
  • Residential area and number of floors
  • Average electricity bill (per bimonth)
  • Type of water heating system
  • Type of space heating system
  • Usual hot water temperature setting
  • Usual Indoor Temperature setpoint in Winter and in summer
  • Temperature setting of the fridge and freezer
  • Level of insulation of the walls, roof, windows
  • Presence of Solar Water Heater or photovoltaics

The list of questions aims to define the main features of the building, and accordingly the tool provide a series of eco-tips, characterized by a certain level of comfort improvement and energy-saving potential.


In particular, there is an interesting section on building operation, with a series of actions with a very simple implementation For example to seal well with insulating material the doors and windows in order to reduce leakage, or to avoid standby on devices (TV, decoder, charger, DVD, computer, playstation), to lower the temperature in 1 wash of the washing machine (dishwasher from 60°C to 30°C or washing machine at 30° C - 40°C).


Concerning the renewables, by specifying hot water usage data and usual habits, the program calculates the area of the panels to be installed.


The energy savings have been estimated based on the average sunshine, and with an average electricity price of 20 cents / KWh.


Although the local specificities, the tool can provide a very quick estimation on the surface of panels to be installed and the potential benefits (in terms of energy and energy bills) for a preliminary assessment.


Finally, the tool offers an overview of the potential savings for the building appliances: lighting, tumble drier, vacuum cleaner, oven, washing machine, air conditioner, refrigerator, TV, dish washer.


By providing the year of purchase and the current energy class, the tool evaluate the potential savings (in e and kWh) given by the purchase of a new one, considering the life time of the appliance and an average cost of electricity.


If you want to try the tool, visit the web page here and request your evaluation! 

Zeljko Serdar, CCRES

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