Saturday, September 12, 2020

Chestnut permaculture plantation

Castanea sativa – sweet chestnut.
Sweet chestnuts are permaculture trees. They can be coppiced, providing sustainable timber for fencing and building whilst also being a food source. Their nuts can be eaten roasted, raw or even turned into flour! Zeljko Serdar shares his thoughts for this multipurpose tree.
If you are wondering how to grow chestnut trees, the most important consideration is soil. All chestnut tree types require well-drained soil to thrive. They can grow in partially clay soil if the land is on a slope, but they will grow best in deep, sandy soils. Be sure your soil is acidic before growing chestnut trees. If you aren’t sure, get the pH tested. You need a pH of between 4.5 and 6.5.
If you read up on chestnut tree information, you’ll find that growing chestnut trees is not difficult if they are planted in an appropriate site. When planted on good, deep soil, the trees are very drought tolerant when established. Young seedlings require regular irrigation. If you are growing chestnut trees for the nut production, however, you’ll need to provide more chestnut tree care. The only way you can be sure of getting abundant, large-sized nuts is if you water the trees regularly throughout the growing season. Most chestnut tree types only begin to produce nuts after they are three to 7 years old. Still, keep in mind that some chestnut tree types can live up to 800 years.
Chestnut trees are attractive, with reddish-brown or grey bark, smooth when the trees are young, but furrowed with age. The leaves are a fresh green, darker on the top than the bottom. They are oval or lance-shaped and edged by widely separated teeth. The flowers of the chestnut tree are long, drooping catkins that appear on the trees in spring. Each tree bears both male and female flowers, but they cannot self-pollinate. The potent fragrance of the flowers attracts insect pollinators.
Analysis of chestnut flour:
Moisture – 14.0%
Oil and fat – 2.0%
Proteins – 8.5%
Starch – 29.2%
Dextrin and soluble starch – 22.9%
Sugar – 17.5%
Ash – 2.6%
Cellulose – 3.3%
Any plant that can be planted and then , once established , is productive, especially as food, and requires little or no inputs, qualifies as a Permaculture favorite.
More info:
Zeljko Serdar, CCRES Team


  1. Od propasti jednog proizvodno/tržnog sustava krajem osamdesetih godina 20. stoljeća nije se pronašao efikasan nadomjestak u vremenu kada smo mogli sami kreirati poljoprivrednu politiku od osamostaljenja do pristupanja EU. Prema projekcijama, ovo će se nastaviti još desetak godina sve dok se unutar poljoprivrede ne stvori novi sustav. Ali za to neće biti zaslužna niti EU, niti političke stranke, nego ekonomska logika preostalih proizvođača. Mišljenja sam da RH ekološkom poljoprivredom i odmakom od monokulturnih usjeva na njivama, točnije, permakulturom kao sustavom poljoprivredne proizvodnje, može maksimalno iskoristiti potencijali obiteljskih poljoprivrednih gospodarstava uz zadovoljavanje društvenih i ekonomskih potreba, očuvanje prirodnog ekosustava i zaštitu okoliša. „Kažnjavam grijehe otaca na djeci do sedmog koljena.“
    Trebamo obeshrabriti neprikladne aktivnosti kako bi osigurali da eko sistemi funkcioniraju skladno. Moramo početi mijenjati sami sebe kako bi mogli utjecati na svijet u kojem živimo. Izreka podsjeća da negativne povratne reakcije koje se često tek uočavaju u dalekoj budućnosti. Dvanaest osnovnih načela permakulturnog dizajna su oruđa za promišljanje koja nam, kada ih primjenjujemo zajedno, omogućuju kreativno redizajniranje našeg okoliša i našeg ponašanja. Na taj način gradimo novi svijet u kojem trošimo manje energije i resursa. Ovi principi se smatraju univerzalnim, iako metode koje se koriste kako bi ih izrazili uvelike ovise o mjestu i situaciji. Oni se primjenjuju ovisno o našim osobnim, gospodarskim, društvenim i političkim reorganizacijama. Etički temelj permakulture, briga za Zemlju, briga za ljude, ravnomjerna raspodjela, usmjerava korištenje ovih dizajnerskih alata, čime se osigurava da se oni koriste na adekvatan način. Razmišljajte svojom glavom, ako ne zbog sebe, onda zbog buduće generacije.
    Industrial farming has a huge impact on the climate, the local environment and our health. Synthetic pesticides and fertilizers pollute our soil and the air we breathe, while deforestation to make space for intensive farming and meat production fuels greenhouse gas emissions. It’s time to shift to a sustainable farming system that works with nature, not against it. People have the right to diverse, healthy and affordable food that doesn’t harm our natural environment. This means less and better meat and dairy, and plenty of healthy, seasonal vegetables. Zeljko Serdar, CCRES
