Aronia or Chokeberry plants. There has been a lot of research and breeding going on with the Aronia plants commonly known as Black Chokeberry. Maybe Chokeberry doesn’t sound so attractive, so some like to call them Black Appleberries.
See, the thing about these deep dark berries is that they help to eliminate inflammation in the body and the antioxidant levels are more than 340% higher than blueberries!
These deep dark fruits are so easy to grow on super hardy bushes that produce many pounds of fruit each year. They beauty of Aronia berries is they all ripen at the same time so they can all be harvested now before they begin to shrivel. They must be pulled from the bushes. They look like Blueberries in size and similar in color.
If you are looking for a super easy super fruit to grow, you’ll want to consider growing an aronia berry bush. This little-known berry bush offers double pleasure. It is grown for its beauty as an ornamental. With deep green foliage as the backdrop for its pretty white flowers in the spring, and with the contrast of its deep purple berries nestled into its red-orange leaves in the fall, it offers year-round enjoyment. And its edible berries are high in antioxidants, vitamins, and phytonutrients.
Like a persimmon, the aronia berry will sweeten up after a freeze. Many gardeners enjoy the aronia as a berry for juicing, for baking, and for jellies. You will have to be the judge of whether their flavor is right for you. Even if the use of the berry isn’t of importance to you, you will enjoy a lovely bush and birds will feast on these berries during the cold of winter.
Aronia berry bushes (Aronia melanocarpa) are native to North America, and they are suitable to plant in U.S. Department of Agriculture Hardiness Zones 3 to 8. The aronia plant was introduced to Russia and to Eastern Europe in the early 1900s where they gained popularity. There are thousands of acres of aronia growing in Europe today. Here in the CCRES fields aronia is growing in favor for its nutritional value.
Aronia berries are somewhat astringent and taste somewhat like a dry red wine. They are more palatable when you know the health benefits because you know they are great for you… but you may want to use the fruits in smoothies, for baking or for juice or juice blends.
Pick and freeze the fruits and use as you like throughout the year. Zeljko Serdar, CCRES
See, the thing about these deep dark berries is that they help to eliminate inflammation in the body and the antioxidant levels are more than 340% higher than blueberries!
These deep dark fruits are so easy to grow on super hardy bushes that produce many pounds of fruit each year. They beauty of Aronia berries is they all ripen at the same time so they can all be harvested now before they begin to shrivel. They must be pulled from the bushes. They look like Blueberries in size and similar in color.
If you are looking for a super easy super fruit to grow, you’ll want to consider growing an aronia berry bush. This little-known berry bush offers double pleasure. It is grown for its beauty as an ornamental. With deep green foliage as the backdrop for its pretty white flowers in the spring, and with the contrast of its deep purple berries nestled into its red-orange leaves in the fall, it offers year-round enjoyment. And its edible berries are high in antioxidants, vitamins, and phytonutrients.
Like a persimmon, the aronia berry will sweeten up after a freeze. Many gardeners enjoy the aronia as a berry for juicing, for baking, and for jellies. You will have to be the judge of whether their flavor is right for you. Even if the use of the berry isn’t of importance to you, you will enjoy a lovely bush and birds will feast on these berries during the cold of winter.
Aronia berry bushes (Aronia melanocarpa) are native to North America, and they are suitable to plant in U.S. Department of Agriculture Hardiness Zones 3 to 8. The aronia plant was introduced to Russia and to Eastern Europe in the early 1900s where they gained popularity. There are thousands of acres of aronia growing in Europe today. Here in the CCRES fields aronia is growing in favor for its nutritional value.
Aronia berries are somewhat astringent and taste somewhat like a dry red wine. They are more palatable when you know the health benefits because you know they are great for you… but you may want to use the fruits in smoothies, for baking or for juice or juice blends.
Pick and freeze the fruits and use as you like throughout the year. Zeljko Serdar, CCRES
Although we are not certified organic, we do not use any chemical fertilizers, pesticides or fungicides. We do use organic and permaculture principles and practices.
ReplyDeleteKalkulacija proizvodnje aronije
ReplyDeleteAko se kreće s podizanjem nasada aronije, prije same sadnje aronije, potrebno je izdvojiti financijska sredstva za analizu tla, poravnanje terena, duboko oranje tla, dovoz i raspodjeljivanje mineralnog i organskog gnojiva. Navedeno početno ulaganje iznosilo bi nešto više od 27 tisuća kuna po hektaru. U vrijeme sadnje (u prvoj godini) očekuje se dodatno poravnanje terena, nabava sadnica, dovoz i razvoženje sadnica te sama sadnja, međuredna obrada i okopavanje i postavljanje sustava za navodnjavanje. Ukupno bi u prvoj godini investicija iznosila oko 81 tisuću kuna. Sljedeće godine potrebna je provedba međuredne obrade, podsađivanje sadnica i nabava istih, zatravljivanje nasada i nabava sredstva za zaštitu bilja (ukupno nešto manje od 6 tisuća kuna). Navedeni podaci pokazuju kako je u predsadnji te prvoj i drugoj godini potrebno izdvojiti, odnosno investirati ukupno oko 114 tisuća kuna.
Daljnji podaci Hrvatske poljoprivredno-šumarske savjetodavne službe (2018 g.) pokazuju kalkulaciju na području kontinentalne regije. Prema navedenim podacima jedan hektar nasada aronije daje oko 16 t/ha, a cijena je oko 10 kn/kg, što daje prihod od 160 tisuća kuna. Od varijabilnih troškova u uzgoju aronije vidljivi su troškovi za mineralna gnojiva, sredstva za zaštitu bilja (SZB), letvarice, košarice, berbu, rezidbu i ostale troškove. Najveći udio varijabilnih troškova otpada na berbu, s više od 50 % ukupnih varijabilnih troškova. Najmanji udio troškova odnosi se na sredstva za zaštitu bilja (0,09 %) i mineralna gnojiva (1,09 %).
Temeljem prikazanih stavki i potrebnih ulaganja za uzgoj aronije, pokriće varijabilnog troška uz umanjenje mehanizacije pokazuje isplativost uzgoja aronije, s više od 34 tisuće kuna po hektaru.
Prinos (kg) 16.000
Cijena (kn/kg) 10
Ukupni prihod (kn/kg) 160.000
Ukupni varijabilni trošak (kn) 123.437
Pokriće varijabilnog troška (kn) 36.563
Vlastita mehanizacija (kn) 2.553
Pokriće varijabilnog troška 1 (kn) 34.010
Kalkulacija uzgoja aronije
Izvor: Hrvatska poljoprivredno-šumarska savjetodavna služba, 2018.g.
Iz navedenog se da zaključiti kako uzgoju aronije prvenstveno pogoduje dobra prilagodljivost na uvjete uzgoja, rast trenda potrošnje zdrave hrane i ekološki uzgojene hrane. Razna istraživanja upućuju na to kako konzumacija aronije smanjuje rizik kardiovaskularnih bolesti, kako ima blagotvorne učinke na krvni tlak, hipertenziju, razne upale. Isto tako, porast površina pod aronijom, zastupljenost na policama trgovačkih centara razlozi su koji stavljaju aroniju u fokus. Upravo niski troškovi uzgoja, odnosno pozitivna kalkulacija pokrića varijabilnog troška uzgoja aronije na jednom hektaru upućuje na isplativost uzgoja.