Monday, May 1, 2017

Alternative treatments to delay or prevent Alzheimer’s disease

There are two different methods that can be used for the production of coenzyme Q10, one method employs a ‘natural’ process and the other uses chemical synthesis – a synthetic process. The natural process utilizes living organisms and is referred to as a biological fermentation/extraction process. CoenzymeQ10 can also be synthesized by a chemical process, which produces a similar, but distinctly different product that contains chemical compounds not found in the natural form. 


Parkinson’s disease is a common aging-related disorder that impacts the lives of many around the world. Parkinson’s disease occurs when the brain is no longer able to produce certain protein’s the control motor functions, and eventually, cognitive functions.
When a person suffers from Parkinson’s disease, they may experience weakness, slowed movement, and cognitive impairment. Although there is no cure for Parkinson’s disease, there are measures you can take to help control the symptoms.
Taking a CoQ10 supplement may slow the progression of the disease. Animal studies have found that CoQ10 decreases the damage done to the neurons in the brain affected by Parkinson’s disease.
Alzheimer’s disease impacts the lives of millions of people every year and is the sixth leading cause of death. Alzheimer’s disease may develop for several reasons: aging, genetics, oxidative stress on the brain, just to name a few.
Animal studies have found that taking a CoQ10 supplement helps relieve the oxidative stress on a brain related to Alzheimer’s disease. When a brain is overwhelmed by oxidative stress, it suffers from inflammation and results in the loss of cognition, memory, and the loss of physical function.
Although so far these finding have been found in animal studies, they may indicate what the results will look like in humans. In fact, humans suffering from a CoQ10 deficiency show lover levels of CoQ10 in their spinal fluid, which may be indicative of significant oxidative stress effecting their brains.
Taking a CoQ10 supplement may help prevent and treat the symptoms of such mental disorders as bipolar disorder, major depression, and schizophrenia. These specific mental disorders are associated with increased levels of brain oxidative stress levels and mitochondrial dysfunction, lowering the levels of naturally occurring CoQ10.
Therefore, people suffering from a CoQ10 deficiency don’t respond as well to prescribed antidepressant medication. By taking a CoQ10 supplement, these medications may be more effective and help reverse the symptoms of these often debilitating mental disorders.
One study found that people suffering from bipolar disorder experienced a significant reduction in symptoms once they started taking 1200 mgs of CoQ10 a day. Some antidepressants actually decrease the levels of CoQ10, so people taking these medications may especially benefit from taking a CoQ10 supplement.
Migraines are quite common, affecting over 10 million people in the United States every year. Over three million people suffer from more than one migraine headache a month, which can affect the quality of their lives and even their jobs.
Although the chain of events leading to a migraine headache are fuzzy, it is believed that low CoQ10 levels may share some responsibility in creating this debilitating condition. Many people have found that taking a CoQ10 supplement helps maintain their migraine headaches, decreasing the frequency of them. CoQ10 supplements also help maintain the symptoms associated with migraines such as nausea.
CoQ10 supplements are a major component in maintain the health of your heart. People with a family history of heart disease and high blood pressure may especially benefit from taking a CoQ10 supplement. Maintaining healthy levels of CoQ10 keep your heart running like a well-oiled machine—improving the overall health of your cardiovascular system.
Taking a CoQ10 supplement will help regulate your blood pressure, improve the functioning diastolic function of your heart, and reduces the likelihood of developing heart disease. Taking a CoQ10 supplement not only helps those already suffering from cardiovascular problems, but works as a great preventative measure.
Zeljko Serdar, CCRES

More about Parkison's disease here.

1 comment:

  1. Koenzim Q10

    Koristi se zbog svoje potencijalne sposobnosti usporavanja razvoja neurodegenerativnih bolesti. Istraživanja o učinkovitosti su mješovita, ali neke studije su pokazale mali pozitivan učinak CoQ10 kod bolesnika s različitim neurološkim poremećajima.


    Relativno niska učestalost multiple skleroze u Japanu zbunjuje mnoge istraživače, iako se on nalazi daleko od ekvatora. Zna se ipak da je sadržaj joda u njihovom tlu jedan od najviših u svijetu poznatih, a uzrokovan je uporabom algi kao gnojiva. Čini se da je nedostatak ovog esencijalnog elementa u tragovima povezan s mnogim bolestima ili urođenim manama, uključujući i gušavost, kretenizam, multiplu sklerozu, amiotrofičnu lateralnu sklerozu te rak štitnjače i živčanog sustava. Ljudi s MS-om mogu također imati niske razine selena i glutation peroksidaze, enzima kojeg proizvodi selen.


    Poznati su po svojim potencijalima za poboljšanje memorije i mentalnu bistrinu. Gingko biloba je korišten za razne bolesti tijekom stoljeća. Prema podacima Nacionalnog instituta za zdravlje ginko ekstrakt pomaže razmišljanju i pamćenju, olakšava bol u nogama i preaktivne živčane reakcije, utječe na poteškoće s vidom, pa čak i smanjuje vrtoglavicu i nesvjesticu.

    Sjemenke marelice

    Vitamin B1 ključan je za pravilno funkcioniranje mozga, za zdrav metabolizam i funkciju živaca, mišića i rad srca. Nedostatak tiamina je povezan s različitim uvjetima, uključujući i neurodegenerativnu multiplu sklerozu. Premalo vitamina B1 može izazvati slabost i umor. Tiamin se može naći u orašastim plodovima, sjemenkama, mahunarkama, jajima i mesu. Vitamin B6 je bitan za metabolizam hranjivih tvari koje se nalaze u određenim namirnicama. Iako su nedostaci rijetki, niska razina vitamina B6 nije rijetka kod autoimune bolesti. Nedostatak može biti povezan s abnormalnom funkcijom mozga, depresijom, smetenošću i bubrežnim problemima. Vitamin B12 je važan za pravilan rad živčanih stanica, crvenih krvnih stanica, mozga i mnogih drugih dijelova tijela. Nedostatak može dovesti do slabosti, gubitka težine, ukočenosti i bockanja u rukama i nogama, problema s ravnotežom, zbunjenosti, problema s memorijom, pa čak i do oštećenja živaca.
