Global Wind Day - 15 June 2011.
Global Wind Day is a worldwide event that occurs annually on 15 June. It is a day for discovering wind, its power and the possibilities it holds to change our world.
It is also a day for discovery of the work that has already begun by pioneers around the world. In more than 75 countries around the world, wind farms are in operation, generating energy from a clean and renewable source.
Thousands of individuals are involved in the production of energy from the wind, but for many people, wind energy is a mystery. Global Wind Day is the day when you can visit wind farms, meet experts, attend events and find out everything you want to know about wind energy.
The European Wind Energy Association - EWEA - and the Global Wind Energy Council - GWEC - coordinate the Global Wind Day through a network of partners. The day started as a European one in 2007 and went Global in 2009. On 15 June, thousands of public events are organised all over the world.
Global Wind Day – from the Ukraine to the US, from Australia to Argentina
On 15 June 2011, ‘Global Wind Day’, citizens from around the world can discover the benefits of wind energy while having fun. With Middle East instability affecting oil prices and debate over nuclear following Fukushima, the hundreds of events on offer on Global Wind Day will show people everywhere how wind can be part of a stable, clean energy future.
From Austria to Australia to Japan, Canada to Uruguay, Germany to the Ukraine , citizens will be able to watch open-air theatre, build kites for kite surfing, visit new wind farms, check out wind industry jobs fairs and play at wind energy parties. Highlights include the German Technology Museum in Berlin opening its doors for a wind energy exhibition and the announcement in New York City of WindMade – an initiative to develop a consumer label for companies and products using wind power.
At Global Wind Day 2010, there were 220 events in 29 countries around the world. Global Wind Day is organised by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) and the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), who coordinate a worldwide network of partners.
“With wind, we can achieve a genuine energy revolution, and on 15 June, people on all continents celebrate the promises that wind power holds for our planet”, stated GWEC’s Chairman Klaus Rave.
“Fukushima, the Arab spring and the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico have created enormous public interest in the future of energy” said EWEA President Arthouros Zervos. “Global Wind Day encourages citizens to find out for themselves how wind can make our energy supply more secure and environmentally friendly”.
For further information please see: www.globalwindday.org
For more information contact:
Peter Sennekamp, EWEA
+32 2 213 18 33
More info at http://solarserdar.blogspot.com
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