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PROJEKT HCOIE : Davanje svojoj zajednici
PROJECT CCRES : Giving to Your Community
The European Year of Volunteering is both a celebration and a challenge. It is a celebration of the commitment of millions of people in Europe who work in their communities during their free time without being paid – for example in schools, hospitals, and sports clubs, protecting the environment, providing social services and helping people in other countries. Their efforts and those of the many thousands of volunteering organisations make a huge difference to our lives in countless ways. The world would be much worse off without volunteers!
Prije tri godine četvero splitske djece ostalo je bez oca i majke. Skrb o njima prihvatila je teta koja im uz ljubav nije mogla pružiti i veći dom. No, danas njihova priča ima divan nastavak - dobili su svoju kuću.
Vrpca je prerezana, a četvero malih Božića ušlo je u svoj novi dom. 11-godišnja Ivana sretna je jer će napokon imati svoju sobu. 'Super, jedva čekam da se uselim u kuću, onda možemo imati svaki svoj krevet. Moći ću sama spavati, da više ne moram s bratom ležati', vesela je Ivana.
Oduševljen što ima svoj kutak je i 15-godišnji Jakov. Boju je kaže, sam birao. 'Sretan sam, uzbuđen. Danas se otvara kuća, nisam se nadao da će završiti ovako brzo'. Braća Mate i Ivan dijelit će sobu.
Otkako su izgubili i oca i majku, o četvero djece skrbi njihova teta i njezin suprug. I ona je sretna što će za sve kuhati u novoj kuhinji. 'Puno im znači, puno, To je jedna sigurnost, jedna stabilnost, nisu na ulici što je najbitnije. Sve nam se sviđa, sve je lijepo i dobro. I novo je', kazala je teta Lucija Damjanović.
Božići su nedugo nakon smrti oca, izgubili i majku. Prihvatila ih je teta kod koje su svi živjeli u malom prostoru. A onda su socijalni radnici pokrenuli akciju u koju su se uključili i grad i županija, građani i tvrtke. I sada je, nakon tri godine, dom napokon izgrađen. 'Umjesto djecu u dom, realizirana je ideja da se djeci sagradi dom. I evo, hvala Bogu, zahvaljujući svim dobrim ljudima', kazao je koordinator akcije Slavko Kraljević.
Puno je ljudi pomoglo sa svih strana, od malih do velikih priloga. Svi su oni usrećili ovo četvero djece.
Thank you for volunteering for the CROATIAN CENTER OF RENEWABLE ENERGY ( CCRES ) !Volunteers have been the key to the success of the CCRES for the past 20 years and we hope YOU will help make the 2011 CCRES even better!! We are looking for volunteers to help with the our program. (150 volunteers needed).
All ages (adults and students) and skill levels are encouraged to volunteer - students, and student groups are welcome to volunteer for CCRES service and program .
Don't worry - we will send you a reminder once you sign up using the link below.
In addition, each volunteer will attend a refresher course, specific to your assignment, the morning of the event. No worries - you will be well prepared!
In addition to fun and excitement, we will also provide breakfast, a yummy lunch, dinner (if you stick around), and a fabulous CCRES t-shirt! Why wouldn't you sign up???
To volunteer for the 2011 CCRES,please click to http://solarserdar@gmail.com , to sign up - thank you!
Project ENERGY EFFICIENCY COALITION: Giving to Your Community
At Project ENERGY EFFICIENCY COALITION and CROATIAN CENTER of RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES, we believe that giving turns ordinary money into change, a change for the better. That's why we ask each of our CCRES partner to think about what they can do in their community to give. Whether it's volunteering for a community event, helping out a neighbor in need, or making a donation, the act itself doesn't matter. Even the smallest act of giving can spark change.
As Project EEC and CCRES continues giving, we urge you to do the same. Ask yourself the question: What can you do?
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Offer your skills. Consider offering your skills rather than goods. Help an elderly neighbor with household fixes, offer to repaint a community playground, rake leaves or mow the lawn of a neighbor who is unable to do it. Often these skills are needed just as much, if not more than money or goods.
Give to Charity. It doesn't have to be about money. Volunteer. Get matched for volunteer activities in your community at http://solarserdar.blogspot.com check out for many well-known organizations.
Visit a nursing home. Take some of your free time and visit a nursing home. Read a book with an elderly person, talk about topics in the news, play cards and bring a little joy into both of your lives. You will probably come out with a new friend!
Help a school in your community. Offer to help distribute school lunches, check or grade papers for teachers, help during recess, or manage school activity functions.
Clean up your community. Participate in a local environmental clean-up day or start your own with family and friends. Go to your local parks, beaches, or hiking trails and pick up litter.
Send Holiday mail for Croatian heroes. During the holiday season you can send a card to a Croatian soldier through the partnership between CCRES and HVIDRA.
Volunteer at a church. Offer to help with the day care, cleaning the church, bringing fresh flowers for the services, or offer to do office work at the church administration office.
Donate clothing. Are your clothes too tight, too loose, tags still on something you never wore? Give it away. You can stop by your local RED CROSS or KARITAS , and many communities have drop-off boxes where you can leave your donated goods.
Give a new Toys .. Donate a brand new toy to your local children nursery to help bring joy to a child in need. Contact your children nursery to learn how you can donate.
Give to a local food bank.. You can donate a few of the canned goods you currently have in your pantry. With the recent economic crisis, food banks aren't being given as much from donors and more people are needing to be served. Contact your local food bank today to find out how you can donate or visit solarserdar.blogspot.com.
Donate books. If you have books that have not been read in over a year, chances are you are not going to ever read them again. Give them away! Donate your used books to libraries, schools, or shelters so someone else can enjoy them like you once did.
Without generous private donations the CROATIAN CENTER of RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES would be unable to continue the valuable work it does in bringing objective information to an often overheated debate. Making a donation is simple: a cheque payable to CROATIAN CENTER of RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES can be posted to the following address: CROATIAN CENTER of RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES Medarska 24, 10 000 ,Zagreb, CROATIA or on CROATIAN CENTER of RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES BANK ACCOUNT 2484008-1105745975 IBAN HR0324840081105745975 SWIFT RZBHHR2X
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