Croatian Renewable Energy Center SOLAR SERDARpromote
Imagine The New City
The Green European Foundation will be present at the 9th annual conference of the European Greens supporters' network, in order to support and encourge cooperation between grassroots Greens from all over Europe.
The core topic addressed by the three days conference will be the ideal city - a friendly living environment, built on community participation. The conference will discuss scenarios for future urban development, as well as more harmonious ways of linking country-side and city lives.More info at http://solarserdar.blogspot.com/
Green Foundations
National Green political foundations are one of the Green European foundation's three stakeholder groups. They offer core expertise and valuable support in many of GEF's activities. National Green foundations are active and highly successful in engaging citizens in poltical dialogue in their respective national and/or regional contexts. As a European level foundation, GEF aims to be a platform for exchange and co-operation. Highlighting some of our partner foundations' news and events is a first step in enhancing this network and enabling the needed exchange.
Croatian Renewable Energy Center
The Green European Foundation co-organises on the last day of the conference a panel debate on the European Citizens' Initiative - the first ever transnational direct democracy instrument. The debate will introduce the foundation's upcoming publication on the topic ("The European Citizens' Initiative Handbook: Your Guide to the First Direct Democratic Tool", written by Bruno Kaufmann ) and, at the same time, it will discuss how this new instrument can be used by grassroots activists to bring their topics of interest on the European agenda.
For more information on the conference, including a detailed agenda of the event, please refer to the website of the European Greens Supporters' Network.
Event details:
Date: 5 - 7 November 2010
Venue: International Institute for Research and Education, Lombokstraat 40, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Language: English
Panel debate on the European Citizens' Initiative
Gerald Haefner, Green Member of the European Parliament
Aurélien Daydé, European Disability Forum
Herman van Bekkem, Greenpeace
Croatian Renewable Energy Center
SOLAR SERDARsolarserdar@gmail.com
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